ishh.. nak cuti pun susah... eh, perlu ke cuti.. eh, perlu la... dulu aku kecik2 tak pernah pun pi cuti sana pi cuti sini..balik2 pegi piknik kat desaru or balau...oh, tu pun kita cuti-cuti jugek...
anyway, this time around, planning i n other half caca-marba pulak.. i nak pegi melaka.. other half nak ke utara je keja nya.. langkawi la, bukit merah la...cameron la... last2 ni lagi 3-4 hari nak pegi ni..other half sent sms, dia dapat interview senior chief stwd kat andaman langkawi... aish... nak kena pi langkawi (again!) la ni gamaknya.. kalau dapat maknanya, PJJ la kami.. dunno for how long ye..n, tiap kali cuti, langkawi la gamaknya kami pi.... kot2 ada rezeki la...
kekadang terlintas gak in my mind, susah tul nak pi cuti yek...!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Palm Reading Pt. 1
Eh, ada part 1 pulok... nak baca palm lagi ke... hihihi.. cam ada niat je..
Anyway, aritu opismet I ada sedikit masalah n seek help and advice from our office cleaner, baru le i tau aunty yang selalu borak2 dgn we all ni leh baca palm or numbers sikit2.. mau ler i baca jugok kan... tpai takla baca palm, bagi my bestday n other half's..
lepas bagi je, ada pulok staff2 yang cari i regarding to work la... lepas half an hour baru le aunty dapat bgtau i apa dia boleh baca from the numbers;
1. hati u banyak baik
2. hati suami u pun banyak baik...(?) terus teringat asben i yg kuat bebel itu.. n marah2.. aunty kata dia marah kejap saja, lepas tu okey.. (betul jugok!)
3. u ada rumah sendiri.. (betul ni...dalam hati ai)
4. ada 2 kereta... (betul lagi...)
5. ada 4 anak... (terbeliak mata ku..betul gak)
6. u ada kaya sikit...(gelak terus aku.... kaya hutang keliling tetttsss....)
anyway, bukan la nak percaya totally, tapi kalau kaya, mmg nak sangat2.... bukan la kaya raya, but enough to ease financial burden yang berlambak2..... cuma terkujat pulok, anuty ni menerka2 dgn tepat on everythin gsingle things....
ayah, kalau kita kaya nanti..amin....! InsyaAllah...we are planning for the nearest future, kalau kita tak ubah sendiri, takder sapa yg akan ubah tuk kit akan... amin!!!
Anyway, aritu opismet I ada sedikit masalah n seek help and advice from our office cleaner, baru le i tau aunty yang selalu borak2 dgn we all ni leh baca palm or numbers sikit2.. mau ler i baca jugok kan... tpai takla baca palm, bagi my bestday n other half's..
lepas bagi je, ada pulok staff2 yang cari i regarding to work la... lepas half an hour baru le aunty dapat bgtau i apa dia boleh baca from the numbers;
1. hati u banyak baik
2. hati suami u pun banyak baik...(?) terus teringat asben i yg kuat bebel itu.. n marah2.. aunty kata dia marah kejap saja, lepas tu okey.. (betul jugok!)
3. u ada rumah sendiri.. (betul ni...dalam hati ai)
4. ada 2 kereta... (betul lagi...)
5. ada 4 anak... (terbeliak mata ku..betul gak)
6. u ada kaya sikit...(gelak terus aku.... kaya hutang keliling tetttsss....)
anyway, bukan la nak percaya totally, tapi kalau kaya, mmg nak sangat2.... bukan la kaya raya, but enough to ease financial burden yang berlambak2..... cuma terkujat pulok, anuty ni menerka2 dgn tepat on everythin gsingle things....
ayah, kalau kita kaya nanti..amin....! InsyaAllah...we are planning for the nearest future, kalau kita tak ubah sendiri, takder sapa yg akan ubah tuk kit akan... amin!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sesi Teka Teki Pt. 1
Acil ada kat umah... dia dah tukar kerjaya, jadik penanam anggur terhemat sekali.. so, bila cuti2 skool camneh, PakAnjang anak2 ku pun considered bercuti... makanya, umah aku ala2 taman kanak2 riang la..
so, what they did... aish.. leh ada sesi TEKA-TEKI sampai aku rasa berbaloi untuk dikongsi:
Alia: Anjang, banyak2 air, air apa yang berani..?
Anjang: Air berani la..
Alia: air terjun la... salahh...! tett..
Anjang: kakak, kakak pandai matematik kan
Alia: kenapa?
Anajng: ada sebuah lori ni.. bawak 5 ekor lembu dari gombak pegi KL... pastu 3 ekor lembu terjatuh... sampai KL ada berapa ekor lembu..?
alia n faiz dgn tekun mengira...
Alia & Faiz: Ada 2 lagi laa kan ajnag...?
Anjang: salah..... ada 5..
Alia & Faiz: nape pulak? 2 la tinggal
Anjang: lembu tadi tu terjatuh dalam lori je....:P
aku yg mendengar ni terguling2...sabo je la
so, what they did... aish.. leh ada sesi TEKA-TEKI sampai aku rasa berbaloi untuk dikongsi:
Alia: Anjang, banyak2 air, air apa yang berani..?
Anjang: Air berani la..
Alia: air terjun la... salahh...! tett..
Anjang: kakak, kakak pandai matematik kan
Alia: kenapa?
Anajng: ada sebuah lori ni.. bawak 5 ekor lembu dari gombak pegi KL... pastu 3 ekor lembu terjatuh... sampai KL ada berapa ekor lembu..?
alia n faiz dgn tekun mengira...
Alia & Faiz: Ada 2 lagi laa kan ajnag...?
Anjang: salah..... ada 5..
Alia & Faiz: nape pulak? 2 la tinggal
Anjang: lembu tadi tu terjatuh dalam lori je....:P
aku yg mendengar ni terguling2...sabo je la
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
How Do We Retire in Our Retiree Days...? (Part 1)
before I start blabbering, I must say that I am afraid of facing the world when I am no longer in the workforce, no longer making end meets monthly... I am talking about something senseful and for us to think about, I shall say, now?
Firstly, however I am proud of my siblings - all 6 of them (including me), we are still unable to feed our parents - on monthly basis comfortably. Sad but true, my parents are still meddling their warungs for an earnest living. We do help, but what is few hundreds for a living now..? My parents are among those unluckies, that do not paid pension as they were not government servants during their productive ages. Children? We do give them some money, yet, we ourselves, too, facing our own financial difficulties at times.. so, we do not give extra to them. Until when do they have to work? I pity them, I want them to live their lives comfortably. But they were not informed enough on how to manage their earned monies before. Moreover, whatever they earned were just enough for the 8 of us. They did not even have any insurance to cover for anything.
I am writing this simply because, I do not want to live the same life as what my parents are. I want to live comfortably, without having to put a burden on my children to feed me and other half. i am pretty sure, both of us would not have the same strength like my parents (due to the food we are eating, the nutrition we are consuming as compared to them then). At mid-30, my bones are already cracking..what more another 30-40 years from now! Sah-sah angkat pinggan nak masak pun tak larat rasanya..! Belum lagi lost of sight or hearing.. *sigh...*
That is why I hope 'they' will make a necessary amendment on what age an mployee should be forced to retire to 60. (Boleh ke I nak drive 70kms back n forth every day dah kerepot2 begitu nanti...!??) aduyaiii.... baru mid-30 dah nak pikior pasal hal2 30-40 tahun akan datang..
Hey, friends, ni la masa yang sesuai nak cerita pasal our future, sebab kita dah stable (at least a bit, sebab hutang dah banyak clear off...).. kita dah tak lompat keja (bukan lompat parti yek..) and settle down on most things in our lives.. so, what kind of retirement you are thinking about say, 30 years from now friends?
me? i shall continue later..... *wink!*
Firstly, however I am proud of my siblings - all 6 of them (including me), we are still unable to feed our parents - on monthly basis comfortably. Sad but true, my parents are still meddling their warungs for an earnest living. We do help, but what is few hundreds for a living now..? My parents are among those unluckies, that do not paid pension as they were not government servants during their productive ages. Children? We do give them some money, yet, we ourselves, too, facing our own financial difficulties at times.. so, we do not give extra to them. Until when do they have to work? I pity them, I want them to live their lives comfortably. But they were not informed enough on how to manage their earned monies before. Moreover, whatever they earned were just enough for the 8 of us. They did not even have any insurance to cover for anything.
I am writing this simply because, I do not want to live the same life as what my parents are. I want to live comfortably, without having to put a burden on my children to feed me and other half. i am pretty sure, both of us would not have the same strength like my parents (due to the food we are eating, the nutrition we are consuming as compared to them then). At mid-30, my bones are already cracking..what more another 30-40 years from now! Sah-sah angkat pinggan nak masak pun tak larat rasanya..! Belum lagi lost of sight or hearing.. *sigh...*
That is why I hope 'they' will make a necessary amendment on what age an mployee should be forced to retire to 60. (Boleh ke I nak drive 70kms back n forth every day dah kerepot2 begitu nanti...!??) aduyaiii.... baru mid-30 dah nak pikior pasal hal2 30-40 tahun akan datang..
Hey, friends, ni la masa yang sesuai nak cerita pasal our future, sebab kita dah stable (at least a bit, sebab hutang dah banyak clear off...).. kita dah tak lompat keja (bukan lompat parti yek..) and settle down on most things in our lives.. so, what kind of retirement you are thinking about say, 30 years from now friends?
me? i shall continue later..... *wink!*
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Another Beautiful Sunday that is My Favourite
hi... before I started again...lemme kibas2 dulu sampah sarap n habuk2 kat this blog.. lam adah tak hapdet ini..
anyway, I love it when I have full activity on a Sunday.. just like yesterday
we started as early as 530 in the morning.. thanks to other half that he had run the washing machine the night before, thus, I jemur baju even before subuh.. reason I woke up that early on a beautiful Sunday morning is the little Emir la.... 515 sudah bangun... seeing his big bro Adha slept next to him, terus ditepuknya muka abag Chik... there you go..mama n ayah pun bangun le.. dh bangun mana le i boleh tido lagi... i quickly thought of doing this and that, making this an that... lepas siap sidai baju...solat dulu.. then i put emir back to sleep in the cradle by half past 6.. thank ayah for watching over both (sambil tgk TV la kan...)
by this time, I am busy in the kitchen, potong2 cucur udang, telur, kentang tapau dalam tupperware, masukkan kuah kacang dalam another tupperware and lastly i fry some french toast... masak air, buat teh-o n masukkan dalam flask.. for me, i stirred a cup of kopi-o... masukkan dalam beg, then bungkus... by 715 semua dah ready to pack and go... terdengar pulak suara adha.. ayah dah siap kemas tempat tido...adha duduk nicely on the sofa, n little emir pun dah mula mengeliat.... ayah kejutkan akak n angah... come kids, we are off to the park and bekfes today will be served at the park... nyum!!!!
balik dari taman ard 930...singgah pegi beli bunga mama... i chose bunga raya n buga dauh merah(dunno its name)....dari satu nursery ke satu nursery ayah bawak mama chose my fev..pegi pulak nursery Pak Aji tepi MRR2 highway... nampak pokok for interior...tetiba je ayah ajak beli pasu... beli itu ini sampai umah ard 12... emir dah mula mengantuk.. so put him to sleep (again).. yang lain2 main basikal sambil mam n ayah buat gardening..... mama buat kat luar, ayah kemas kat dalam.... nice! pastu ayah ajak pegi beli bunga lagi petang2 lepas asar tu...beli lagi...tapi balik dah, pokok tu still dalam poly-bag... wait ya pokok!
well..malam amik mak...penat, doze off ppl at 10..
for me is simple, if you start early, u get to finish many chores early.... my mind quipped, what if those who got up at 11am on sunday, what do they get to do eh? i think the best they could have is BRUNCH...tu ajer....
anyway, lantak le dgn hal org for me this is just another lovely Sunday that is my favourite!
anyway, I love it when I have full activity on a Sunday.. just like yesterday
we started as early as 530 in the morning.. thanks to other half that he had run the washing machine the night before, thus, I jemur baju even before subuh.. reason I woke up that early on a beautiful Sunday morning is the little Emir la.... 515 sudah bangun... seeing his big bro Adha slept next to him, terus ditepuknya muka abag Chik... there you go..mama n ayah pun bangun le.. dh bangun mana le i boleh tido lagi... i quickly thought of doing this and that, making this an that... lepas siap sidai baju...solat dulu.. then i put emir back to sleep in the cradle by half past 6.. thank ayah for watching over both (sambil tgk TV la kan...)
by this time, I am busy in the kitchen, potong2 cucur udang, telur, kentang tapau dalam tupperware, masukkan kuah kacang dalam another tupperware and lastly i fry some french toast... masak air, buat teh-o n masukkan dalam flask.. for me, i stirred a cup of kopi-o... masukkan dalam beg, then bungkus... by 715 semua dah ready to pack and go... terdengar pulak suara adha.. ayah dah siap kemas tempat tido...adha duduk nicely on the sofa, n little emir pun dah mula mengeliat.... ayah kejutkan akak n angah... come kids, we are off to the park and bekfes today will be served at the park... nyum!!!!
balik dari taman ard 930...singgah pegi beli bunga mama... i chose bunga raya n buga dauh merah(dunno its name)....dari satu nursery ke satu nursery ayah bawak mama chose my fev..pegi pulak nursery Pak Aji tepi MRR2 highway... nampak pokok for interior...tetiba je ayah ajak beli pasu... beli itu ini sampai umah ard 12... emir dah mula mengantuk.. so put him to sleep (again).. yang lain2 main basikal sambil mam n ayah buat gardening..... mama buat kat luar, ayah kemas kat dalam.... nice! pastu ayah ajak pegi beli bunga lagi petang2 lepas asar tu...beli lagi...tapi balik dah, pokok tu still dalam poly-bag... wait ya pokok!
well..malam amik mak...penat, doze off ppl at 10..
for me is simple, if you start early, u get to finish many chores early.... my mind quipped, what if those who got up at 11am on sunday, what do they get to do eh? i think the best they could have is BRUNCH...tu ajer....
anyway, lantak le dgn hal org for me this is just another lovely Sunday that is my favourite!
Monday, October 3, 2011
kalau dah badigol tu badigol gak
semalam ada org sentap dgn i rupanya... kaf lam ya nga ni mmg ler kan.. konon yang paling terpaling terbaik la... bull laa...
hahaha...tapi ada aku kisah!
p/s: patutla student ko pun so'od, sebab ko tu pensyarah badigol... ouch!
hahaha...tapi ada aku kisah!
p/s: patutla student ko pun so'od, sebab ko tu pensyarah badigol... ouch!
Ada Doktor Di Rumah....
angah demam... sian angah... terkejut tetegur kat Alang Sedayu over the weekend... mama dah bagi pcm syrup in the morning... angah minum ubat...angah tido...
rupanya ada doktor kat umah.. doktor bagitau kat uwan, Uwan, ni hah ada ubat mama panadol ni..nanti boleh bagi kat angah
lepas akak pegi sekolah, uwan nak bagi ubat kat angah pulak... (kakak kan kata Uwan tak nampak sikit.. uwan raba2 laa cari ubat suggested by kakak tadi..) dalam hati uwan: aii..bujur pulak panadol sekarang.. nah, angah telan ubat ni..
ard 3pm mama called:
Mama: mak, angah dah okey mak..
Uwan: tgh tido tadi kakak unjukkan ubat ko tu...tah yang bujur2 tu..kata kakak ektipas..tah apo ko..
Mama: hah?? tu ubat org dewasa tu mak..
Uwan: laa ye ke... ni peluh2 dah si angah tido tu..
Mama: kalau angah makin teruk,mak telepon farah ye
Uwan: hah ye la
balik keja...
Mama: kenapa akak bagi angah Actifast tu..tu untuk org dewasa la kakak
ANgah (in shiver): kakak ni...angah kanak2 lagi la..
Alia: kan kakak dah bagitau, kakak kan doktor haiwan....
aduiii...selamba je dia menjawab...! geleng kepala mama...
rupanya ada doktor kat umah.. doktor bagitau kat uwan, Uwan, ni hah ada ubat mama panadol ni..nanti boleh bagi kat angah
lepas akak pegi sekolah, uwan nak bagi ubat kat angah pulak... (kakak kan kata Uwan tak nampak sikit.. uwan raba2 laa cari ubat suggested by kakak tadi..) dalam hati uwan: aii..bujur pulak panadol sekarang.. nah, angah telan ubat ni..
ard 3pm mama called:
Mama: mak, angah dah okey mak..
Uwan: tgh tido tadi kakak unjukkan ubat ko tu...tah yang bujur2 tu..kata kakak ektipas..tah apo ko..
Mama: hah?? tu ubat org dewasa tu mak..
Uwan: laa ye ke... ni peluh2 dah si angah tido tu..
Mama: kalau angah makin teruk,mak telepon farah ye
Uwan: hah ye la
balik keja...
Mama: kenapa akak bagi angah Actifast tu..tu untuk org dewasa la kakak
ANgah (in shiver): kakak ni...angah kanak2 lagi la..
Alia: kan kakak dah bagitau, kakak kan doktor haiwan....
aduiii...selamba je dia menjawab...! geleng kepala mama...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Alia's Series of Notes Part 2
I strolled along workplace bazaar last 2 weeks ago and found cute little notebooks for Rm2. Immediately thinking, it would be a great surprise gift for Alia and Faiz when they come back from a week hol at my MIL's. In my mind I wak thinking to ask them to jot down their homework from school everyday. True enough, before I managed to inform them about the notebooks, Alia found it in surprised. I told her what to do with the book.
I held a potluck at my place last Malaysia Day.. I didn't know that she was actually observing me n my long-lost frens activity. She actaully wrote this:
"my Mommy buat open house kat rumah aje. Ramai kawan-kawan my Mommy datang. Mommy kiskis kawan-kawan dia. Geli saya melihatnya"
OMG!! sabo je laa anak aku ngutuk aku ni weh....
I held a potluck at my place last Malaysia Day.. I didn't know that she was actually observing me n my long-lost frens activity. She actaully wrote this:
"my Mommy buat open house kat rumah aje. Ramai kawan-kawan my Mommy datang. Mommy kiskis kawan-kawan dia. Geli saya melihatnya"
OMG!! sabo je laa anak aku ngutuk aku ni weh....
Series of Alia's Notes Pt. 1
Alia: Mama, dulu masa mama kecik2 apa cita-cita mama?
Mama: tah..banyak sangat cita2 mama dulu
(terus mama terpikir, hmm pernah nak jadik cikgu, pernah nak jadik polis - cis sebbaik tak tercapai cita2 ni...)
Alia: Mama nak jadi apa?
Mama: tah..mama nak jadi cikgu (cover punyer answer)
Alia: Jadi, tercapai tak cita-cita mama?
Mama: erk! (dalam hati le)
malu weh nak bgtau kat anak cita2 mama lum tercapai... hahha apa yek cita2 mama ni....
Mama: tah..banyak sangat cita2 mama dulu
(terus mama terpikir, hmm pernah nak jadik cikgu, pernah nak jadik polis - cis sebbaik tak tercapai cita2 ni...)
Alia: Mama nak jadi apa?
Mama: tah..mama nak jadi cikgu (cover punyer answer)
Alia: Jadi, tercapai tak cita-cita mama?
Mama: erk! (dalam hati le)
malu weh nak bgtau kat anak cita2 mama lum tercapai... hahha apa yek cita2 mama ni....
Monday, August 22, 2011
Alia No 2
Alia: Mama, Mama...!! Hari ni pertama kali kakak salam tangan Guru Besar, kakak tak pernah salam sebelum ni..
(Mama masih kaget, ish...anak dara ni, naik atas pun belum dah terjerit2 balik sekolah!)
Alia: kakak dapat No 2 Mama.... kakak dapat salam Guru Besar naik atas pentas tadi.. malu kak!
(Mama senyum bangga dengan kakak...)
Uwan: betul ke kakak dapat No 2
Alia: Ye laa Wan, kakak dapat No 2, No 1, Syauqina, No 2 kakak No 3, Iffah
Mama: semua best friends la ni yang dapat No 1 sampai No 3
(Alia sengih je tunjuk gigi putih dia...gigi dgn mata je kan yang putih...hihihi)
Alia: Mama tau apa Iffah cakap, ni mak kau mesti bangga laa dgn kau ni kan...tapi kan Mama, Iffah tu jeles dgn Mama..
Mama: aik, kenapa pulak Iffah nak jeles dgn Mama?
Alia: ye laa...dia kata Mama kau tu asyikk dapat No 1 je, cemburu laa aku!
(Mama pandang Angah....mama tau Angah tumpang happy tengok kakak naik pentas amik hadiah)
Mama: Angah bila pulak nak naik pentas amik hadiah macam kakak..?
(Angah sengihh jee panjang.....) ishh...kalau anak jantan la kan suruh belajar, mmg tak masuk ke hati tu....
Kakak dah 2 kali naik pentas amik hadiah..both events Mama n Ayah tak datang.. hmm... apa yek agaknya perasaan kakak..? Frankly, kalau Mama jadik Kakak, mesti geram naper laa Mama dgn Ayah ni tak tengok aku naik pentas ni... Kakak, bukan Mama sengaja ye... Mama harap Mama dapat datang, tapi Mama tak tahu..(this is not a good reason, Mama..!) Mama promise, lain kali, Mama datang macam mana Mama datang tgk kakak dapat medal masa HAri Sukan..
anyway, masa anak2 salam nak masuk tido, Mama sempat kissed kakak's forehead and say "Tahniah ye kakak dapat No. 2"
Makin lebar le sengih si Kakak....!
(Mama masih kaget, ish...anak dara ni, naik atas pun belum dah terjerit2 balik sekolah!)
Alia: kakak dapat No 2 Mama.... kakak dapat salam Guru Besar naik atas pentas tadi.. malu kak!
(Mama senyum bangga dengan kakak...)
Uwan: betul ke kakak dapat No 2
Alia: Ye laa Wan, kakak dapat No 2, No 1, Syauqina, No 2 kakak No 3, Iffah
Mama: semua best friends la ni yang dapat No 1 sampai No 3
(Alia sengih je tunjuk gigi putih dia...gigi dgn mata je kan yang putih...hihihi)
Alia: Mama tau apa Iffah cakap, ni mak kau mesti bangga laa dgn kau ni kan...tapi kan Mama, Iffah tu jeles dgn Mama..
Mama: aik, kenapa pulak Iffah nak jeles dgn Mama?
Alia: ye laa...dia kata Mama kau tu asyikk dapat No 1 je, cemburu laa aku!
(Mama pandang Angah....mama tau Angah tumpang happy tengok kakak naik pentas amik hadiah)
Mama: Angah bila pulak nak naik pentas amik hadiah macam kakak..?
(Angah sengihh jee panjang.....) ishh...kalau anak jantan la kan suruh belajar, mmg tak masuk ke hati tu....
Kakak dah 2 kali naik pentas amik hadiah..both events Mama n Ayah tak datang.. hmm... apa yek agaknya perasaan kakak..? Frankly, kalau Mama jadik Kakak, mesti geram naper laa Mama dgn Ayah ni tak tengok aku naik pentas ni... Kakak, bukan Mama sengaja ye... Mama harap Mama dapat datang, tapi Mama tak tahu..(this is not a good reason, Mama..!) Mama promise, lain kali, Mama datang macam mana Mama datang tgk kakak dapat medal masa HAri Sukan..
anyway, masa anak2 salam nak masuk tido, Mama sempat kissed kakak's forehead and say "Tahniah ye kakak dapat No. 2"
Makin lebar le sengih si Kakak....!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Looking Forward for a Super Friday
Super Friday?? apa tu hek... tah le as today it started early in th emorning lepas sahur... my two littlest angels dah bangun (ikut sahur sekali)....(dah supermommy laa kan subuh2 sapiee)... masak ringkas-buat air-kejut sumer bangun sahur-kemas kitchen-basuh pinggan-susun pinggan-ajar alia buat homework all in all, melayan kerenah babies plak..mekasih Mak sebab tolong jaga Emir while Farah layan Adha & Alia... (at the same time other half mandi - solat- getting ready for work (nasib baik baju dia dah iron awal2) sendng othe rhalf to work (dekat pagar je la kan) - naik atas kemas baju Emir, susun baju yang Mak dah lipat, kemas tempat tido and iron baju keja, baju other half for t'row and the kids' to school ... Adha was with me...masukkan dia dalam playpen.. mandi-solat-getting ready to work...
by 7am, dah turun bawah nak hantar Emir (ala.. sian baby Mama.. tgh tido mama angkat yek..) nasib baik Emir an angel, tak meragam pun kena angkat...mat senyum sungguh..! adha dah keluar main kat laman (his fav activity of course!) alamak...keta ni payah plak nak start....sabo Mama..saboo.. owh, Alhamdulillah boleh pon..tgk jam alamak dah 715...mau lambat ni sampai ofis by 8...takper...adatla
drove off to work, eh, Alhamdulillah....jalan clear plak.. sampai ofis 803...Alhamdulillah....... i will take half day leave hari ni... nak buat facial treatment for myself nak pi shopping3 spree.. saja jenjalan alone.. i am really looking for a super Friday!
by 7am, dah turun bawah nak hantar Emir (ala.. sian baby Mama.. tgh tido mama angkat yek..) nasib baik Emir an angel, tak meragam pun kena angkat...mat senyum sungguh..! adha dah keluar main kat laman (his fav activity of course!) alamak...keta ni payah plak nak start....sabo Mama..saboo.. owh, Alhamdulillah boleh pon..tgk jam alamak dah 715...mau lambat ni sampai ofis by 8...takper...adatla
drove off to work, eh, Alhamdulillah....jalan clear plak.. sampai ofis 803...Alhamdulillah....... i will take half day leave hari ni... nak buat facial treatment for myself nak pi shopping3 spree.. saja jenjalan alone.. i am really looking for a super Friday!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Alone with the Kiddos
many occassions I feel like this: our loved one balik, and nampak benda kick jadik salah yang besar and non-stop bising as though kami di rumah ni tak buat apa2 keja.. as though mama kat umah mengangkang tengok tv je....puhleeasssee.... one day i sure will grab all my kids and get out of the house..! really tired of all the sakit hati! dah enjoy2 dgn anak2 baru balik dgn harapan org yang kami sayang tu lupa 'salah' kami!
kenapa aku down sebab aku ni PMS... hmm.. hopefully pasal PMS...amin
kenapa aku down sebab aku ni PMS... hmm.. hopefully pasal PMS...amin
Monday, August 15, 2011
How Do I Stay Thin?
makan hati ke.....? auuww....tak laa sangat kannn....
diet ke...? i diet? pernah ke..? diet idak laa tapi makan tu jaga gak laa......
sedit lemak ke..? isshhh...selisih...! ada yang dah maut kat atas liposuction bed tu ye..harap maklum...
my fitness regime: dok kat umah bertingkat2 pastu amalkan anak banyak..(i have 4 and 3/4 are boys!) pegi main kejar2 dgn kekanak riang ni dalam umah plus menjerit banyak2 ala2 tarzan tu...i have no maid, so basically I AM THE MAID... korang penah nampak MAID cam badak? ala2 kak mah cincin juta2 tu? tader kan....walaupun menyapu mengemop not my routine, once in a while bila org yang buatnya tader, kena buat sendiri...mak oi...berpeluh nya kalah main basketball 20 tahun dolu!...
so nak free way to get thinner? follow my regime: get rid of your MAID! good luck though!
diet ke...? i diet? pernah ke..? diet idak laa tapi makan tu jaga gak laa......
sedit lemak ke..? isshhh...selisih...! ada yang dah maut kat atas liposuction bed tu ye..harap maklum...
my fitness regime: dok kat umah bertingkat2 pastu amalkan anak banyak..(i have 4 and 3/4 are boys!) pegi main kejar2 dgn kekanak riang ni dalam umah plus menjerit banyak2 ala2 tarzan tu...i have no maid, so basically I AM THE MAID... korang penah nampak MAID cam badak? ala2 kak mah cincin juta2 tu? tader kan....walaupun menyapu mengemop not my routine, once in a while bila org yang buatnya tader, kena buat sendiri...mak oi...berpeluh nya kalah main basketball 20 tahun dolu!...
so nak free way to get thinner? follow my regime: get rid of your MAID! good luck though!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tips to be Looking Young
makan itu makan ini nanti lehnampak muda...jangan makn tu jangan makan ni...nanti nampak beno tua... orang perempuan lagi cepat tua dari orang lelaki...kalau nakk kawen cari la yang jauh lebih tua(20 tahun leh tak..?) tapi jangan tua2 sangat nanti nampak kau tak seusia dgn umur kau...tak seswaiiii...
owh, remarks kat atas tu adalah 'advice'2 yang biasa kita dgr..
i have my own tips to feel young though..(walau aku mmg nampak 40s dah...)
i joined a social network group meant for our bacth..and immediately feel like i am a teenager!!
Oh, i like!! thanks to fren yang created the group for us...memacam cerita 20 tahun lalu...OMG!
owh, remarks kat atas tu adalah 'advice'2 yang biasa kita dgr..
i have my own tips to feel young though..(walau aku mmg nampak 40s dah...)
i joined a social network group meant for our bacth..and immediately feel like i am a teenager!!
Oh, i like!! thanks to fren yang created the group for us...memacam cerita 20 tahun lalu...OMG!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Sijil Kakak



it's the second day of ramadhan, where Alia was fasting too.. pelik tau si kakak ni...tiap kali pkl 6 30 ke pkl 700 all you heard from her.. mama, esok akak tanak puasa tau...akak taklarat...akak nak beli air tau esok... kadang2 naik malas nak melayan sebab i know, lepas berbuka je, with all her smile, u ask esok nak puasa tak kakak? sure dia jawab mestilaaa.....
anyway, am glad to have her as anak yang dgr cakap..walaupun kuat bebeno merajuknyaaa...
lepas iftar, she blurted over tv session,
Alia: Mama, kakak lupa nak bagitau kakak dapat sijill!!!
Mama: sijil apa...?
Mama: sijil apa...?
Alia: sijil 5A laa... kakak kan dapat 5A
Uwan: bila kakak periksa dapat 5A?
Alia: yang baru lepas laa Wan..
mmg lebor laaa senyum tu kannnn...
minutes later other half balik bawak 3 slices of cakes.. wahh kebetulan pulak ye...untung laa kakak ayah balik bawak kek to celebrate sijil dia..:P
anyway..i enjoyed have a dotter like her..u know why..matured and girlishly enjoy the pics..
Monday, August 1, 2011
First Time Puasa
do you remember your first time puasa? everyone does I guess... if you ask me, my parents trained me to puasa even before I know how to read the clock on the wall.. I remembered clearly when my mother asked me the time all I answered was: "jarum pendek kat pukul 6, jarum panjang kat pukul 11" "jarum pendenk kat pukul 7 jarum panjang kat pukul 9" that was it..!
Last year I did train Alia to berpuasa..I woke her up for sahur, which she did...later at 930, she was asking for breakfast already..second day she managed to control her hungriness (such word got meh?) up till 1030...that was all..I did not wake her up anymore..
This year, she is already 8 and I asked whether she wanted to berpuasa or not this year..? she was unsure though when she actually said yes.. angah pun sama...! so, I woke them both..since Adha was sleeping with them, I actually whispered in their ears to wake them up...
First day sahur, semua makan...lepas sahur Angah membuta...apparently, according to MIL later in the evening, Angah dah buka after he took bath and got ready for school...he was saying:"Angah tak tahan laa mama..." Surprisingly, Alia puasa..hmmm...let me see first
When she got back, I asked her, Kakak puasa tak? She quipped: puasa laa mama..kakak tak larat nak angkat beg naik atas ni tau..kakak letak bawah dulu..
She keeps the watch in her hand and monitor the time from 7pm...she even beg to have a drink at 710pm...kena laa mama pujuk.."Kakak dah berjaya puasa 18 jam...takkan tinggal 18 minit tak boleh tahan...." in the end, she managed to wait..
Akhirnya, first day puasa for my girl! in the end she eat this and that...habis dia balun pasta goreng Opah Emir (Acu Emir yg masak) bagi... I had sepiring, MIL had sepiring shared with Adha.MIl tak hbis dia balun, Angah tak habis dia balun gak....hmmm..betul2 posa ni.... last2 dia kat...aduihh mama,dah bongkok dah kakak ni takleh jalan...berat sangat perut!
mak oi...MIL terus ajak dia solat sebelum dibantainya membuta....! hihihihihihihiihi.....kakak...kakak...>!
Last year I did train Alia to berpuasa..I woke her up for sahur, which she did...later at 930, she was asking for breakfast already..second day she managed to control her hungriness (such word got meh?) up till 1030...that was all..I did not wake her up anymore..
This year, she is already 8 and I asked whether she wanted to berpuasa or not this year..? she was unsure though when she actually said yes.. angah pun sama...! so, I woke them both..since Adha was sleeping with them, I actually whispered in their ears to wake them up...
First day sahur, semua makan...lepas sahur Angah membuta...apparently, according to MIL later in the evening, Angah dah buka after he took bath and got ready for school...he was saying:"Angah tak tahan laa mama..." Surprisingly, Alia puasa..hmmm...let me see first
When she got back, I asked her, Kakak puasa tak? She quipped: puasa laa mama..kakak tak larat nak angkat beg naik atas ni tau..kakak letak bawah dulu..
She keeps the watch in her hand and monitor the time from 7pm...she even beg to have a drink at 710pm...kena laa mama pujuk.."Kakak dah berjaya puasa 18 jam...takkan tinggal 18 minit tak boleh tahan...." in the end, she managed to wait..
Akhirnya, first day puasa for my girl! in the end she eat this and that...habis dia balun pasta goreng Opah Emir (Acu Emir yg masak) bagi... I had sepiring, MIL had sepiring shared with Adha.MIl tak hbis dia balun, Angah tak habis dia balun gak....hmmm..betul2 posa ni.... last2 dia kat...aduihh mama,dah bongkok dah kakak ni takleh jalan...berat sangat perut!
mak oi...MIL terus ajak dia solat sebelum dibantainya membuta....! hihihihihihihiihi.....kakak...kakak...>!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
My Mekap Artis



I dunno how long Alia had been eyeing for my make-up set on my dressing table.. I bought it years ago..this set completes with blusher, eye shadow and turned out lipstick was ruined..
Last weekend she asked me whether she can have it or not..I alredy forgot the set and obviously given to her..How happy she was to have the set and asking me whether she can use it.. I let her do whatever with it while I was cooking.. Needless to say more, she tried to put on her own make up...gasaklaa...
minutes later I found her putting on make-up on Faiz's face, too... mak aii Angah ni tak tau kee mekap ni for ladies..?? lantak kom eleee....
Anyway, after I finished cooking and resting while waiting for other half to come home.. Alia blurted:
Alia: Mama, kakak make-up kan mama ye...
Mama: suka hati laa...
see ppl...bila suka hati la..mmg sesuka-suki je dia buh kaler2 kat muka i...! hahahhaha
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Bantal Busuk?????
today is the day supposedly I am off to Redang, but due to the mis-match between dates and intakes and exams and BOEs..forget about it.. however, my tegar colleagues will be off tonite to T'ganu..! have a safe journey guys!!
anyway, what I am trying to tell is nothing to do with beaches in Redang. It is about BANTAL sebab my ofismet laa ni bawak bantal busuk pi Redang... abih laaaa bau pantai tu.. hahahhahha.... korang ada???
Well, I live with 2 ppl who cannot sleep with bantal vusuk nyaaa.....other half and Alia..ishh... nak je rasa buat bantal busuk tu jadi tanah dalam pasu bunga....hahahhahahha tunggu laa one day!
anyway, what I am trying to tell is nothing to do with beaches in Redang. It is about BANTAL sebab my ofismet laa ni bawak bantal busuk pi Redang... abih laaaa bau pantai tu.. hahahhahha.... korang ada???
Well, I live with 2 ppl who cannot sleep with bantal vusuk nyaaa.....other half and Alia..ishh... nak je rasa buat bantal busuk tu jadi tanah dalam pasu bunga....hahahhahahha tunggu laa one day!
Brain-Less Drivers
bila dah hari2 memandu, hari2 nampak peel memacam orang...paling benci bila dah lewat time tu laaa keta kat depan ni terhegeh2....ishhh.... ada Vios sekoh ni..sibukkk nak dok lane kanan kat LDP tu...tapi depan dia 3 bijik bas leh masuk....tak sabar sungguh kalau driver ngong camnehh tauuu....pi duduk lane kiri tu....ceh...
semalam plak dgn baik hati bagi laluan kat satu van otai ni...dah bagi masuk lane tu lajuu laa sikit pun lambat dahla nak pegi beli barang dah janji dgn other half... hegeh jugak... cis...
pagi tadi nak masuk LDP dari MRR2...ada satu Suzuki Swift driver ni..mak oi...sikitt laa gi nak himpit my winter sonata...cengkononnya dah bagi signal leh terus masuk la..? tgk2 anak mat saleh,...tapi bangang ! pastu dah masuk lorong tnGo...kena tunggu plak... ada 2 bekor driver yang bangang ni..dah tau tader tngo tu nak pakai cash, masuk laa lane cash...bagi hangin org tngo je...bungokkkk
tapi few days back, ada satu keta ni...hegeh2 nak masuk kiri (memang lane dia la yang betul) i masuk cut tang corner... pastu cam tak puas hati laa kan...what i did... i tried hard to overtake him and he was doing the the end I smiled at him and made a sign 'u go 1st..' but instead, he signaled the same to me...nampak i gojes kot that day... hahhahahhahah diplomatikkkk on the road bebeh...!
semalam plak dgn baik hati bagi laluan kat satu van otai ni...dah bagi masuk lane tu lajuu laa sikit pun lambat dahla nak pegi beli barang dah janji dgn other half... hegeh jugak... cis...
pagi tadi nak masuk LDP dari MRR2...ada satu Suzuki Swift driver ni..mak oi...sikitt laa gi nak himpit my winter sonata...cengkononnya dah bagi signal leh terus masuk la..? tgk2 anak mat saleh,...tapi bangang ! pastu dah masuk lorong tnGo...kena tunggu plak... ada 2 bekor driver yang bangang ni..dah tau tader tngo tu nak pakai cash, masuk laa lane cash...bagi hangin org tngo je...bungokkkk
tapi few days back, ada satu keta ni...hegeh2 nak masuk kiri (memang lane dia la yang betul) i masuk cut tang corner... pastu cam tak puas hati laa kan...what i did... i tried hard to overtake him and he was doing the the end I smiled at him and made a sign 'u go 1st..' but instead, he signaled the same to me...nampak i gojes kot that day... hahhahahhahah diplomatikkkk on the road bebeh...!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Please Do Not Provoke
hari ni agak angin sebab almost every day diujakan dgn soklan2 yang sama Kau balik kampung tak raya ni? Kau balik kampung tak raya ni,...?
Aduh tension tahap gaban plak...dah laa baru naik keja semalam MC head spinning... soklan2 camni sure akan menambah sakit kepala ku...
tahler, bukan aku tak nak balik...sapa taknak salam tangan mak ayah pepagi raya beb... dah le 12 tahun je dok full-time dgn parents ni dah 35 tahun hidup..takkan tak nak jumpa mak ayah even for raya sekali pun..
i found myself kept too many HURT-FEELINGS for the 20 over years yang tak tinggal dgn parents tu... no doubt, i am one of the nottiest/rebellious kids my parents ever had...i am not like my brothers...angah for example, always the BEST among us..(true...mak selalu cerita masa ngandungkan angah mimpi bulan jatuh ke riba...) kalau about me, masanak beranak kan kau, air takde...kena cari air sana sini..nak membersihkan kau pun susah....(i kept this hurtful feeling since I was a teenager....for me, there is a clear line between me and my brother...) i managed to hide that feeling for tens of years..but nowadays i felt so down when i was provoked.. balik kampung tak..balik kampung tak..? i am not brainless...i could think..please do not provoke such things that might further me away from our bigger famili...
i am hurt inside for years and when i disclose my 'unsatisfying feeling to some certain events' ended up I AM STILL THE REBELLIOUS to my mother.."Mak, alah tetap sayang mak.. camana mak kat amak tak pilih kasih, tapi pada alah, mak masih lagi pilih kasih....mak bayak banding2 kan anak2...mak sayangkan menantu2 perempuan mak, sebab mak taknak menantu mak bawak lari anak2 mak...tapi menantu mak bukan semua yang paham...yang tak paham tu la yang #$%^&*..sebab dia la alah jadi lebih kecik hati... alah mintak maaf, ye mak..!"
Aduh tension tahap gaban plak...dah laa baru naik keja semalam MC head spinning... soklan2 camni sure akan menambah sakit kepala ku...
tahler, bukan aku tak nak balik...sapa taknak salam tangan mak ayah pepagi raya beb... dah le 12 tahun je dok full-time dgn parents ni dah 35 tahun hidup..takkan tak nak jumpa mak ayah even for raya sekali pun..
i found myself kept too many HURT-FEELINGS for the 20 over years yang tak tinggal dgn parents tu... no doubt, i am one of the nottiest/rebellious kids my parents ever had...i am not like my brothers...angah for example, always the BEST among us..(true...mak selalu cerita masa ngandungkan angah mimpi bulan jatuh ke riba...) kalau about me, masanak beranak kan kau, air takde...kena cari air sana sini..nak membersihkan kau pun susah....(i kept this hurtful feeling since I was a teenager....for me, there is a clear line between me and my brother...) i managed to hide that feeling for tens of years..but nowadays i felt so down when i was provoked.. balik kampung tak..balik kampung tak..? i am not brainless...i could think..please do not provoke such things that might further me away from our bigger famili...
i am hurt inside for years and when i disclose my 'unsatisfying feeling to some certain events' ended up I AM STILL THE REBELLIOUS to my mother.."Mak, alah tetap sayang mak.. camana mak kat amak tak pilih kasih, tapi pada alah, mak masih lagi pilih kasih....mak bayak banding2 kan anak2...mak sayangkan menantu2 perempuan mak, sebab mak taknak menantu mak bawak lari anak2 mak...tapi menantu mak bukan semua yang paham...yang tak paham tu la yang #$%^&*..sebab dia la alah jadi lebih kecik hati... alah mintak maaf, ye mak..!"
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Fitnah Jangan Disebar, Kalau Benar Tak Salah Dihebah
9th July marked a history for us Malaysian as tens of thousands rakyat2 marhaen berhimpun to call for fair election from the ruling-government...I like the fact that BERSIH was the limelight for everyone be it the organisers or the ruling government, everyone has something to say about it..
videos clearly taken and uploaded everywhere for the walk of peace.. where the walk of peace became dangerous events to fact one rakyat marhaen passed away during the event...
what I want to point here is, on top of this issue, many butt-suckers (mind my language) tried hard to edit as many vidoes as they could to save the face of the kerajaan kuku besi...sampai ada yang sanggup mengatakan rakyat marhaen yang dah meninggal tu hidup balik.. dengan kata lain, kawan tu berlakon laa pura-pura la... even an acquaintance of mine has put the edited video of allahyarham where he died in the mornig and hidup balik in the afternoon... I read comments from her friends where they meremeh2kan ttg orang yang meninggal and kept quiet. Not until this moning where I heard over the radio that police has confirmed Allahyarham Baharuddin died during the walk of peace, but due to heart failure.. in that split second, I recalled my acquiantance status entry in FB, where I believe she has (at least tried secara sedar atau tidak) spread fitnah...Nauzubillah...! I add on a comment on the entry regarding and without fail, I jokingly said, Jangan Maree... with a hope that she will stay a friend to me..
Yang benar tak salah disebarkan, tapi kalau fitnah, jangan tunjuk kat orang ye...! enjoy your weekend ahead!
videos clearly taken and uploaded everywhere for the walk of peace.. where the walk of peace became dangerous events to fact one rakyat marhaen passed away during the event...
what I want to point here is, on top of this issue, many butt-suckers (mind my language) tried hard to edit as many vidoes as they could to save the face of the kerajaan kuku besi...sampai ada yang sanggup mengatakan rakyat marhaen yang dah meninggal tu hidup balik.. dengan kata lain, kawan tu berlakon laa pura-pura la... even an acquaintance of mine has put the edited video of allahyarham where he died in the mornig and hidup balik in the afternoon... I read comments from her friends where they meremeh2kan ttg orang yang meninggal and kept quiet. Not until this moning where I heard over the radio that police has confirmed Allahyarham Baharuddin died during the walk of peace, but due to heart failure.. in that split second, I recalled my acquiantance status entry in FB, where I believe she has (at least tried secara sedar atau tidak) spread fitnah...Nauzubillah...! I add on a comment on the entry regarding and without fail, I jokingly said, Jangan Maree... with a hope that she will stay a friend to me..
Yang benar tak salah disebarkan, tapi kalau fitnah, jangan tunjuk kat orang ye...! enjoy your weekend ahead!
When KURMA is a Luxury Item
mesti ada yang gelak when I said Kurma ni luxury items kan... takper la... it's every individual's pov course..:)
Ramadhan is approaching and few days ago, my ex-schoolmate and I talked about fasting at school... no joke, that was one of the most wonderful times we (at least I do) had! At that split moment, too, reminded me of how I collected the dates (given for us everyday in a plastic packet)... for almost 5 years spent in the boarding school, I never ate the free dates.. I collected them for my siblings at home... (i don't know whether u believe it or not, but I did keep the dates for them..).. I collected the dates and kept them in my locker. When it was time to go home for Raya breaks, I unpacked them and put it them nicely in a bigger tupperware available.
Do you know why? That was how I expressed my love and tender care to my father, mother, brothers and sister.
As far as I remembered, we did not even know how kurma taste when we were parents could not afford to buy dates for us in Ramadhan, let alone to taste them... I brought my dates home for 5 years.. and I still can picturise my little brothers and little sister berebut2 nak makan kurma tu.. for us the dates were luxury items... mak dan bak tak mampu..
kak la kat sekolah dapat for could you being a sister eat something luxury yet your brothers and sister had never had the chance to taste and smell dates... for me, mmg tak sampai hati.. kalau boleh whatever luxury item I had, I want my siblings to have them too...
oh, that was a story of me back then 18-23 years ago....things may have changed now.. we eat dates whenever we like.. but if you ask me do I love my siblings?.. of course I love remains for them...the feelings of sisterhood is still the same...
but ask them, whether do they love me still? answers may vary....:)
Ramadhan is approaching and few days ago, my ex-schoolmate and I talked about fasting at school... no joke, that was one of the most wonderful times we (at least I do) had! At that split moment, too, reminded me of how I collected the dates (given for us everyday in a plastic packet)... for almost 5 years spent in the boarding school, I never ate the free dates.. I collected them for my siblings at home... (i don't know whether u believe it or not, but I did keep the dates for them..).. I collected the dates and kept them in my locker. When it was time to go home for Raya breaks, I unpacked them and put it them nicely in a bigger tupperware available.
Do you know why? That was how I expressed my love and tender care to my father, mother, brothers and sister.
As far as I remembered, we did not even know how kurma taste when we were parents could not afford to buy dates for us in Ramadhan, let alone to taste them... I brought my dates home for 5 years.. and I still can picturise my little brothers and little sister berebut2 nak makan kurma tu.. for us the dates were luxury items... mak dan bak tak mampu..
kak la kat sekolah dapat for could you being a sister eat something luxury yet your brothers and sister had never had the chance to taste and smell dates... for me, mmg tak sampai hati.. kalau boleh whatever luxury item I had, I want my siblings to have them too...
oh, that was a story of me back then 18-23 years ago....things may have changed now.. we eat dates whenever we like.. but if you ask me do I love my siblings?.. of course I love remains for them...the feelings of sisterhood is still the same...
but ask them, whether do they love me still? answers may vary....:)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Stiletto that I Own

:)..this morning as I drove along LDP..(mind you LDP was packed, packer than usual because an accident took place right after 1U...*sighhh....*), my mind kept thinking of DRESSING UP again...
Well, too bad, that is my favourite topic these days.. one of the reasons is,I am now ABLE to wear 4 inch stiletto yet again....(see pic)
as far as I remember, I used to wear stiletto to work before I get married..without ever have to think about backache, corns etc... right after i got married (almost 10 years ago..) I got pregnant, i left all my heels away.. I commuted to work every single day, took buses to and fro to work, definitely heels (especially the sexy-looking stiletto) is a NO-NO! forget about that...! i delivered my 2 kids then, i longed to put a try on stilettos...OMG...baru pakai seminggu 2, tapak tumit MESTI DAH TANGGAL!!! that was not even 2 inch high okayyyyy! i was thinking, what was wrogn with my feet? nothing is wrong except for my bigger than ever A*S and thighs.... betis pun besar... i realised one thing, my shoes mostly thinner on one side, that is the tip below my tumit...what a probelm i thought.. although VINCCI buat sale giler2 3 pasang less than RM50, I can forget about it as I know, VINCCI will never fit me again..
after my 4th kid, things seemed to have changed.. i bought a Carlo Rino 2 inch heels (pointy types) and it came to my surprise, it remained the same look even after my baby is now 7th month.. so last few weeks I begged other half for a stiletto I longed for years.. and di gambar itu laa hasil rayuan ku itu... it was 50% discount at VINCCI.. believe it or not, I am wearing it for a month stays....oh, I so like!!! I even remember how to walk with stiletto on....p/s: I shed manyh kilos after my 4th delivery...that could be the reason!
Oh, Emir, mama love u so... :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Some Things are Best Left Unsaid
some of you may agree with my title today, where some of you may say the opposite.. as I always say, this is purely my P.O.V.. (point of view daaa....!)
for me, if I love something or better, it a friend or be it a family, it they worth a thousand words for me, i rather be quite than argue further... for the purpose of saving the most valued relationship/friendship..
it occured to me, not once, but on many occasions..things left unsaid saved more relationship than it does otherwise.. mula2 perang mulut...lepas tu perang naik kaki tangan..pastu senjata tajam pun ikut serta... well...too imaginative la i today..!
Anyway, I am happy as I am...and I am happier that I MANAGE to calm myself down these days if some fiery things whacked my mind and human relationship I have...! is always like that, dude!
live with it!
for me, if I love something or better, it a friend or be it a family, it they worth a thousand words for me, i rather be quite than argue further... for the purpose of saving the most valued relationship/friendship..
it occured to me, not once, but on many occasions..things left unsaid saved more relationship than it does otherwise.. mula2 perang mulut...lepas tu perang naik kaki tangan..pastu senjata tajam pun ikut serta... well...too imaginative la i today..!
Anyway, I am happy as I am...and I am happier that I MANAGE to calm myself down these days if some fiery things whacked my mind and human relationship I have...! is always like that, dude!
live with it!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Impulse Purchase
ini laa penyakit yang tidak dapt ku elakkan for how long...
tadi patutnya pi order kek for Alia's birthday.. tup2 tgh jalan ada amoi ni tahan, "Ms... come do nail buffing for RM2... " only for few minutes... for RM2, orang nak belai your nails..sapa yang takmau ye dak... so I buy the offer..
duduk je, other amoi is explaining other offer... ada facial for gak..tapi they suggested me to do the RM39 as the latter suits my age better..(alamak dah tua ke...)...pastu dia pegang2 pipi i n bgtau "ms, u do face-shaping also good one.. see only for RM8.." in the end i paid RM46 all in all... chisss....kek anak tak beli lagi ni... pantang ada extra RM...lajuuu je nak pamper myself...sekali sekala apa salahnya tak..
now, have to think bila nak amik half day leave and do the pampering for myself ituuuuu......... nak buat weekend sure tak jadi kan... hehehhe
ni bestday anak ke bestday mama ni.....?
tadi patutnya pi order kek for Alia's birthday.. tup2 tgh jalan ada amoi ni tahan, "Ms... come do nail buffing for RM2... " only for few minutes... for RM2, orang nak belai your nails..sapa yang takmau ye dak... so I buy the offer..
duduk je, other amoi is explaining other offer... ada facial for gak..tapi they suggested me to do the RM39 as the latter suits my age better..(alamak dah tua ke...)...pastu dia pegang2 pipi i n bgtau "ms, u do face-shaping also good one.. see only for RM8.." in the end i paid RM46 all in all... chisss....kek anak tak beli lagi ni... pantang ada extra RM...lajuuu je nak pamper myself...sekali sekala apa salahnya tak..
now, have to think bila nak amik half day leave and do the pampering for myself ituuuuu......... nak buat weekend sure tak jadi kan... hehehhe
ni bestday anak ke bestday mama ni.....?
Corporate Looked, Brain CROOKED
Hahahhahahaha..... I am not talking about anybody or anyone else. I am about to tell this brain-less story of mine.. (nasib baik tak kena ketuk dengan helmet)
Yesterday, I really dressed up for work, put on a nice blue shirt, a black striped pants, and black striped vest to add-on.. tudung pun siap masuk dalam shirt... giler korporat look...! to complete this I slipped on 4-inch peep toe stiletto... kira gaya keparat tu mmg terserlah la... one remarks i received, U DON'T LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO HAS DELIVERED 4 KIDS....!
giler perasan la kan.. but not my remark though, I still take it as a compliment... :)
to cut the perasan story short, around 6pm, i packed up things to go home.. only when i reached to my car and tried to start the engine, it failed.. i had tried few times and still came to no avail.. lastly, i called up other half.. he said maybe the battery is.. i gave up. and decided to get back into the office again as other half said he will be coming to have a look.. he asked me to wait. minutes later he called and ask whether the car is still life-lss or not.. i said still kong, so he will be coming he said..
back to office, my boss gave me a mechanic number.. he wil surely help.. so i rang other half, he said, no need, just wait for him to come in less than an hour.. so i waited and tried to finish my timetable planning...
quarter to 7, my phone rang, he said he was already here.. i quickly packed up my things.. and rushed to the car park area.. seeing him with his staff (staf dia dah pena tkot, terus terduduk kat rumput) then the first thing he asked, boleh tak.. i told him "mama dah try macam2 dah tadi, bukak bonet check bateri tak hidup gak keta ni.." his quipped:"tu tengokk tuuu gear tu ka thuruf mana tu.....??" alamakkkkk.....gear kat 'D' laaaa...... cuba try letak kat 'P' katanya... terapkasa laa i akur kan... hmmm... terus hidup dengan segeranya keta ku ini.... gelak je laaaa sepanjang2 tu... other half remark: "ceh.....nyusahkan orang je datang jauh2 sebab batang gear je salah park... sebbaik tak panggil mekanik tu... ketuk karang dgn helmet baru tau..." sambil senyum2 ala2 mamat pakistani dia tu... hahahhaha....
mesti staf di tu kata dalam hati, "apa la bini bos ni, pakai je macam korporat (more to keparat la kan..) tapi gear pun tak tau..."
Yesterday, I really dressed up for work, put on a nice blue shirt, a black striped pants, and black striped vest to add-on.. tudung pun siap masuk dalam shirt... giler korporat look...! to complete this I slipped on 4-inch peep toe stiletto... kira gaya keparat tu mmg terserlah la... one remarks i received, U DON'T LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO HAS DELIVERED 4 KIDS....!
giler perasan la kan.. but not my remark though, I still take it as a compliment... :)
to cut the perasan story short, around 6pm, i packed up things to go home.. only when i reached to my car and tried to start the engine, it failed.. i had tried few times and still came to no avail.. lastly, i called up other half.. he said maybe the battery is.. i gave up. and decided to get back into the office again as other half said he will be coming to have a look.. he asked me to wait. minutes later he called and ask whether the car is still life-lss or not.. i said still kong, so he will be coming he said..
back to office, my boss gave me a mechanic number.. he wil surely help.. so i rang other half, he said, no need, just wait for him to come in less than an hour.. so i waited and tried to finish my timetable planning...
quarter to 7, my phone rang, he said he was already here.. i quickly packed up my things.. and rushed to the car park area.. seeing him with his staff (staf dia dah pena tkot, terus terduduk kat rumput) then the first thing he asked, boleh tak.. i told him "mama dah try macam2 dah tadi, bukak bonet check bateri tak hidup gak keta ni.." his quipped:"tu tengokk tuuu gear tu ka thuruf mana tu.....??" alamakkkkk.....gear kat 'D' laaaa...... cuba try letak kat 'P' katanya... terapkasa laa i akur kan... hmmm... terus hidup dengan segeranya keta ku ini.... gelak je laaaa sepanjang2 tu... other half remark: "ceh.....nyusahkan orang je datang jauh2 sebab batang gear je salah park... sebbaik tak panggil mekanik tu... ketuk karang dgn helmet baru tau..." sambil senyum2 ala2 mamat pakistani dia tu... hahahhaha....
mesti staf di tu kata dalam hati, "apa la bini bos ni, pakai je macam korporat (more to keparat la kan..) tapi gear pun tak tau..."
Happy Bestday Kakak....!
today marked 8th years of my baby girl Alia.. she was born at 8.50am to be exact, and I still remember almost every minutes and seconds of the pain and joyful bless i had 8 years ago...
for me, those are the jovial moment where for the first time i delivered a human from my stomach... the second, third and fourth followed are not as hard as the first though...
anyhow, I thank to God, ALhamdulillah to bless me this angel as she is too pure... tanggungjawab mama dan ayah membentuk peribadi anak pula now ni.. wish me all the luck..
i packed some cute little notebook, along with cartooned pencil and smiley erasers in a hand-made Barbie bag from sugar paper... i packed it subuh2 sapieee...for her to give to her good friends.. she woke up in the morning (knowing her daily task to eye her little brother Emir while I am taking my bath), and smiled from ear to ear seeing the party packs next to my bed... as she saw me dressing up for work she said, Thank You mama....
I promised her a cake later today after work and told other half to come back early to have little famili celebration for her bestday although it is not going to be a blastful one! Other half promised to take her this weekend for her ever-demanded bicycle for present...
Anyway, Happy Birthday darling Alia.. mama and ayah will always love you and semoga menjadi anak yang tau menjaga diri dan pekerti untuk dunia dan akhirat....
for me, those are the jovial moment where for the first time i delivered a human from my stomach... the second, third and fourth followed are not as hard as the first though...
anyhow, I thank to God, ALhamdulillah to bless me this angel as she is too pure... tanggungjawab mama dan ayah membentuk peribadi anak pula now ni.. wish me all the luck..
i packed some cute little notebook, along with cartooned pencil and smiley erasers in a hand-made Barbie bag from sugar paper... i packed it subuh2 sapieee...for her to give to her good friends.. she woke up in the morning (knowing her daily task to eye her little brother Emir while I am taking my bath), and smiled from ear to ear seeing the party packs next to my bed... as she saw me dressing up for work she said, Thank You mama....
I promised her a cake later today after work and told other half to come back early to have little famili celebration for her bestday although it is not going to be a blastful one! Other half promised to take her this weekend for her ever-demanded bicycle for present...
Anyway, Happy Birthday darling Alia.. mama and ayah will always love you and semoga menjadi anak yang tau menjaga diri dan pekerti untuk dunia dan akhirat....
Monday, July 11, 2011
Nowadays, bila dah membayar taxes (not only INCOME but many goods and services), I really think my voice & rights as a rakyat should not be ignored by the ruling government. If you switched on the TV, most of the main stream media putting all the blames on the opposition for the bad..little they know, the more blame they put on, the more hatred ppl have to them and thinner faith ppl hav in them.. (kalau dah bangang tu jangan la tunjuk sangat kan..!)
anyway, what I am sharing here is the type of ppl we have around us.. ada yang macam saya, hari2 nak bangkang ruling gomen..(have to la...dah dapat power tapi tak menjalankan tugas, aku haramkan duit tax aku tu kat korang sumer!), ada yang ikut2 je.. ada yang stay silent..yela kalau bunyik karang nampak bebeno dia pro-ruling government.. i have one in my office..rata2 kat dalam office ni agree with me the current ruling government menekan rakyat and menindas rakyat.. korang harus dapat imagine kalau cerita dulu2, gomen2 camni obviously mengerah rakyat2 nya mengerjakan ladang kebun dsb...pastu duit dari jualan tu diambil utk diberi kepada raja...kalau rakyat tu taknak bagi dikatakan derhaka...this is the same situation we have here cuma sekarang ni takder laa pengawal2 istana tu datang ke rumah masing2 nak kutip so-called cukai tu...tapi the ruling government menggunakan sistem yang ada untuk memaksa rakyat membayar...thru PINJAMAN PELAJARAN (JPA, MARA, PTPTN), cukai (income tax, cukai servis, cukai pintu, cukai tanah....grrr.....!!), cukai lain2 (cukai jalan nak hidup rodtek tu...) tu kira memaksa la tu.. bayangkan berapa banyak diorang kumpul...taid baru je dgr kat radio rakyat m'sia dah cecah 27 juta.. katalaa yang ACTIVELY bayar tax tu 25% of the population and roughly they pay RM2.5k (paling kurang) setahun for all those cukai (tak termasuk rasuah yang kena bagi kat polis kalau kena tangkap kat jalanraya tu...!) i have calculated total of RM16 875 000000.. tah menyebutnya pun tak reti... wah banyakk nya tu.. tu baru kira individu, tak kira lagi tax yang company ken abayar...aduh..kaya negara kita tapi dah dapat kat pemimpin yang SELFISH, ACT LIKE GOD ni.. menyampah nak menyambung story ni...
sebab tu orang nak BERSIH..nak bersihkan segala2 nya dalam Malaysia ni bagi semua orang rasa nikmat hidup di negara yang kaya raya dengan hasil bumi Allah ni... puhleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
anyway, what I am sharing here is the type of ppl we have around us.. ada yang macam saya, hari2 nak bangkang ruling gomen..(have to la...dah dapat power tapi tak menjalankan tugas, aku haramkan duit tax aku tu kat korang sumer!), ada yang ikut2 je.. ada yang stay silent..yela kalau bunyik karang nampak bebeno dia pro-ruling government.. i have one in my office..rata2 kat dalam office ni agree with me the current ruling government menekan rakyat and menindas rakyat.. korang harus dapat imagine kalau cerita dulu2, gomen2 camni obviously mengerah rakyat2 nya mengerjakan ladang kebun dsb...pastu duit dari jualan tu diambil utk diberi kepada raja...kalau rakyat tu taknak bagi dikatakan derhaka...this is the same situation we have here cuma sekarang ni takder laa pengawal2 istana tu datang ke rumah masing2 nak kutip so-called cukai tu...tapi the ruling government menggunakan sistem yang ada untuk memaksa rakyat membayar...thru PINJAMAN PELAJARAN (JPA, MARA, PTPTN), cukai (income tax, cukai servis, cukai pintu, cukai tanah....grrr.....!!), cukai lain2 (cukai jalan nak hidup rodtek tu...) tu kira memaksa la tu.. bayangkan berapa banyak diorang kumpul...taid baru je dgr kat radio rakyat m'sia dah cecah 27 juta.. katalaa yang ACTIVELY bayar tax tu 25% of the population and roughly they pay RM2.5k (paling kurang) setahun for all those cukai (tak termasuk rasuah yang kena bagi kat polis kalau kena tangkap kat jalanraya tu...!) i have calculated total of RM16 875 000000.. tah menyebutnya pun tak reti... wah banyakk nya tu.. tu baru kira individu, tak kira lagi tax yang company ken abayar...aduh..kaya negara kita tapi dah dapat kat pemimpin yang SELFISH, ACT LIKE GOD ni.. menyampah nak menyambung story ni...
sebab tu orang nak BERSIH..nak bersihkan segala2 nya dalam Malaysia ni bagi semua orang rasa nikmat hidup di negara yang kaya raya dengan hasil bumi Allah ni... puhleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Korek Tabung for Bicycle
Earlier this year, Alia started her own BIRTHDAY CALENDAR, started with hers, followed by all of us, Mama, Ayah, Faiz, Adha and Emir.. then she added Omah, Tokcit, Uwan, Tokpin, all her pakciks and makciks along with her cousin.. she then learnt that her birthday is in and month..
Few months after, she learnt how to ride on bicycle and pleaded me to buy her bicycle for her birthday.. I told her, if kakak nak basikal, kakak kena save duit belanja sekolah, masukkan dalam tabung..kalau dah ada RM100, baru mama belikan basikal tak cukup mama top up kan..
she did menabung la..tapi surely tak cukup kan RM100 tu..knowing her!
One fine day in July she splurted:
Alia: Mama, besdey kakak lagi 12 hari kan..?
Mama: ha'ah.. nape..?
Mama: amboiiiiiiiiii..........(kata dalam hati sambil menelan air liur...!)
Few months after, she learnt how to ride on bicycle and pleaded me to buy her bicycle for her birthday.. I told her, if kakak nak basikal, kakak kena save duit belanja sekolah, masukkan dalam tabung..kalau dah ada RM100, baru mama belikan basikal tak cukup mama top up kan..
she did menabung la..tapi surely tak cukup kan RM100 tu..knowing her!
One fine day in July she splurted:
Alia: Mama, besdey kakak lagi 12 hari kan..?
Mama: ha'ah.. nape..?
Mama: amboiiiiiiiiii..........(kata dalam hati sambil menelan air liur...!)
TV Time with Alia the Kepochi
It was a day when I was left alone with Alia and Emir as other half driving his mom home with Faiz and Adha.. I was putting little Emir to sleep in his cradle when Alia switched on an old Malay film on TV. I remembered when I first watched this film was about her age though. Surprisingly, she loves this old movie too, and this one is a RE-RUN session. I am sure many of us do remember this "Sikit Punya Gila" movie starred Dharma HArun Al Rashid, HAmid Gurkha, Yusni Jaafar, Ibrahim Pendek etc.. (most of them passed away now..ALFatihah).
As she watched, she asked me, ni cerita Setinggan tu ke ma? I told her, no cerita lain.. she clicked on the info..and blurted:
"Oooo...yang ni bukan yang ada hantu tu kan mama...? Ni bukan cerita "Setinggan' kan...!"
We continued watching the movie and suddenly she asked,
Alia: Mama, yang ni bukan ke yang ada gosok gigi ikan tu...?
Mama: ha'ah.. yang ni la...
Alia: Gosok gigi ikan tu dah lepas ke mama?
Mama: tah ler... shhhh... cakap slow2 sikit.. Emir nak tidor ni...
This movie is a very funny movie as we watched we girlishly giggled...(baby Emir nak tidoo uuuu...) only minutes later this dialogue splurted in the movie,
Dharma: Aku lapar laa Mid..
Hamid: Lapor ye..hah takper, kat belakang tu ada kepala ikan, nanti aku masakkan untuk kau
at that moment, Alia and I looked at each other and started to giggle again....hihihiiiihhihi..... we giggle more when Hamid was ACTUALLY clean the fish head using soap and brush its teeth...!!
I guess all of you should watch this movie too....!! damn funny...
As she watched, she asked me, ni cerita Setinggan tu ke ma? I told her, no cerita lain.. she clicked on the info..and blurted:
"Oooo...yang ni bukan yang ada hantu tu kan mama...? Ni bukan cerita "Setinggan' kan...!"
We continued watching the movie and suddenly she asked,
Alia: Mama, yang ni bukan ke yang ada gosok gigi ikan tu...?
Mama: ha'ah.. yang ni la...
Alia: Gosok gigi ikan tu dah lepas ke mama?
Mama: tah ler... shhhh... cakap slow2 sikit.. Emir nak tidor ni...
This movie is a very funny movie as we watched we girlishly giggled...(baby Emir nak tidoo uuuu...) only minutes later this dialogue splurted in the movie,
Dharma: Aku lapar laa Mid..
Hamid: Lapor ye..hah takper, kat belakang tu ada kepala ikan, nanti aku masakkan untuk kau
at that moment, Alia and I looked at each other and started to giggle again....hihihiiiihhihi..... we giggle more when Hamid was ACTUALLY clean the fish head using soap and brush its teeth...!!
I guess all of you should watch this movie too....!! damn funny...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Some Conversation
It was Report Card's Day for Alia and Faiz. Other half and I decided (weeks ago) to take leave for this purpose..and we did! We had a full day yesterday from morning till night, from tracking down FIL yanglari dari hospital in the morning till tracking down our car yang di pandu oleh FIL yang kurang daya ingatan in the night..anyway, we made full use of our day..and had it balstfully!!
on other hand, I received a parcel on Wednesday from Alex. I know its Herbalife set for my colleague. I ordered for her, and FIL received it. His remarks, BOM KOT NI? LOL...! When we both out to collect report card, he ordered jering la, petai la, ikan la, pucuk paku la.. since dah lama we both tak pegi pasar cokit, we were happily buying things he ordered there.
on the way there, other half and i were having this conversation that made me smile (and geram of course!) till now.
Ayah: Mama beli apa dalam parcel tu (he is referrign to the arcel received a day earlier)?
Mama: Herbalife..kawan mama kat opis order..
AYah: bagus ke..? kat hotel aritu pun ada seminar pasal HErbalife ni..orang Korea buat
Mama: product ni dari US la Yah...ramai yang menten body weight minum ni...
Ayah: mama minum tak?
Mama: minum le..tapi tak amik selalu takut mama...dulu mama amik masa peknenkan Adha..mama rasa Adha tu besar sebab Herbalife..
Mama: sebab tu time Emir mama stop amik Herbalife, takut baby besar lagi..
AYah: cuba mama amik lagi..
Mama: memang la mama amik lagi ni
Ayah: cuba laa lagi..
Mama: nak cuba apa? dah memang mama amik herbalife ni
Ayah: cuba lagi, tgk kali ni 4 kg lagi tak?
Mama: Ayahhhhhhhhhhhhh....! (kena cubit laa puting tetek ayah kan....!)
Ada lagi hati nak menambah anak....aduihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pengsan mama!
on other hand, I received a parcel on Wednesday from Alex. I know its Herbalife set for my colleague. I ordered for her, and FIL received it. His remarks, BOM KOT NI? LOL...! When we both out to collect report card, he ordered jering la, petai la, ikan la, pucuk paku la.. since dah lama we both tak pegi pasar cokit, we were happily buying things he ordered there.
on the way there, other half and i were having this conversation that made me smile (and geram of course!) till now.
Ayah: Mama beli apa dalam parcel tu (he is referrign to the arcel received a day earlier)?
Mama: Herbalife..kawan mama kat opis order..
AYah: bagus ke..? kat hotel aritu pun ada seminar pasal HErbalife ni..orang Korea buat
Mama: product ni dari US la Yah...ramai yang menten body weight minum ni...
Ayah: mama minum tak?
Mama: minum le..tapi tak amik selalu takut mama...dulu mama amik masa peknenkan Adha..mama rasa Adha tu besar sebab Herbalife..
Mama: sebab tu time Emir mama stop amik Herbalife, takut baby besar lagi..
AYah: cuba mama amik lagi..
Mama: memang la mama amik lagi ni
Ayah: cuba laa lagi..
Mama: nak cuba apa? dah memang mama amik herbalife ni
Ayah: cuba lagi, tgk kali ni 4 kg lagi tak?
Mama: Ayahhhhhhhhhhhhh....! (kena cubit laa puting tetek ayah kan....!)
Ada lagi hati nak menambah anak....aduihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pengsan mama!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
My Favourite Sunday
what a topic...favourite sunday? shopping laaa....!! hahaha... that is not really a favourite sunday la.. but wish for it eventually..bila dah tader benda nak buat or terlebih sudah duit nak berbelanja...tah bila2 la kan...!
however, if u ask me now, my favourite Sunday was a typical sunday for some ppl.. why? sometimes when I feel I am so used not to have other half spending time with me n kids over the weekend, when he is actually free himself from work on Sunday, that is more than enough..!
We didn't go to shopping mall or any theme parks for that reason.. we spent our time totally at home! what we did that I feel so blessful? Practically nothing and everything..! A
s why this Sunday is my favourite Sunday, we began the morning (as early as 730am..don't forget my kids are all early birdies..!) we had our morning walk around our taman sahaja.. I really love my new house where less bunyi moto kapcai prengg sana prengg sini...(in other word, InsyaAllah it is now safe dari peragut...) we strolled along the neighbourhood...tgk2 rumah org itu org ini renovate sana renovate sini..cengkononnya leh bagi idea bila it's our turn to renovate our cozy living home tu...! pastu pi taman permainan nearby our house...since it is sunday morning, no kids are up yet, thus the whole taman milik anak2 ku! buaian for babies (toddlers) ada 2 for Emir and Adha, buaian for big kiddos ada 2 jugak, for kakak n angah... rugi tak bawak kamera..kalau tak sure dah upload kat sini...
ard 830 balik umah, amik kunci keta pi bekfes...
balik bari bekfes, start SPRING CLEAN!! every one of us given a task.. emir n adha tido dalam buai kat ground angah kena jaga n tolong buai adik....mama kat first floor masak... ayah 3rd floor ngemas.. opp lupa kakak kena basuh baju kat porch depan tu...she is a darling! thanks kakak...
i know i owe the wardrobe both mine and the kids' total clean up.. after i finished with my lempeng pisang for brunch since sumer dah makan bekfes.. i prepared teh o panas.. and baby Emir dah terjaga... bathed him and feed him.. brought him upstaris with kakak.. while mengemas tilam n katil, i asked kakak to take out all the clothings dari dalam wardrobe.. pilihman anak pakai mana tak mau asingkan.. baby emir rolling on the bed..ayah clean up kitchen lepas mama masak kan.. angah still jaga adha dalam buai..done with kiddo's room back to mama n ayah's this time adha already up..
by the time everything is done in the room ayah pun siap menyapu n mengemop ground floor and first floor. lastly, we all went down where ayah needs to sweep n mop top floor...
the best moment, sambil kemas sambil makan lempeng pisang...
we finished everything termasuk mama masak dinner around 6 pm.. i love this sunday particularly and simply because, there were only 6 of us in the activity room..where ayah n angah main PS2..mama kakak adha n emir were also there mesmerising our short time together.. mmg jarang2 dapat camni..true enough this is always my favourite sunday..!
however, if u ask me now, my favourite Sunday was a typical sunday for some ppl.. why? sometimes when I feel I am so used not to have other half spending time with me n kids over the weekend, when he is actually free himself from work on Sunday, that is more than enough..!
We didn't go to shopping mall or any theme parks for that reason.. we spent our time totally at home! what we did that I feel so blessful? Practically nothing and everything..! A
s why this Sunday is my favourite Sunday, we began the morning (as early as 730am..don't forget my kids are all early birdies..!) we had our morning walk around our taman sahaja.. I really love my new house where less bunyi moto kapcai prengg sana prengg sini...(in other word, InsyaAllah it is now safe dari peragut...) we strolled along the neighbourhood...tgk2 rumah org itu org ini renovate sana renovate sini..cengkononnya leh bagi idea bila it's our turn to renovate our cozy living home tu...! pastu pi taman permainan nearby our house...since it is sunday morning, no kids are up yet, thus the whole taman milik anak2 ku! buaian for babies (toddlers) ada 2 for Emir and Adha, buaian for big kiddos ada 2 jugak, for kakak n angah... rugi tak bawak kamera..kalau tak sure dah upload kat sini...
ard 830 balik umah, amik kunci keta pi bekfes...
balik bari bekfes, start SPRING CLEAN!! every one of us given a task.. emir n adha tido dalam buai kat ground angah kena jaga n tolong buai adik....mama kat first floor masak... ayah 3rd floor ngemas.. opp lupa kakak kena basuh baju kat porch depan tu...she is a darling! thanks kakak...
i know i owe the wardrobe both mine and the kids' total clean up.. after i finished with my lempeng pisang for brunch since sumer dah makan bekfes.. i prepared teh o panas.. and baby Emir dah terjaga... bathed him and feed him.. brought him upstaris with kakak.. while mengemas tilam n katil, i asked kakak to take out all the clothings dari dalam wardrobe.. pilihman anak pakai mana tak mau asingkan.. baby emir rolling on the bed..ayah clean up kitchen lepas mama masak kan.. angah still jaga adha dalam buai..done with kiddo's room back to mama n ayah's this time adha already up..
by the time everything is done in the room ayah pun siap menyapu n mengemop ground floor and first floor. lastly, we all went down where ayah needs to sweep n mop top floor...
the best moment, sambil kemas sambil makan lempeng pisang...
we finished everything termasuk mama masak dinner around 6 pm.. i love this sunday particularly and simply because, there were only 6 of us in the activity room..where ayah n angah main PS2..mama kakak adha n emir were also there mesmerising our short time together.. mmg jarang2 dapat camni..true enough this is always my favourite sunday..!
Friday, June 24, 2011
To Get Involve or Not To....
I used to be a very involved person, personally I know I am... everything or anything I will get involve, even for nothing y'all..kenduri kendara, I will be there till my cloth basah kering on my body..koyak pun ada, really!
I was so pissed off with my fiance when we were first engaged. Simply because HE IS A TOTAL OPPOSITE of myself. grrrrrrr....!! I even remember when I managed to forced him to drive me back to Johore to attend my best friend's wedding, we even fought for this (of course he did not want to ok...!) turned out he drove me, his mom n nenek, but HE SLEPT in the car whole night!
I am now married to him for almost 10 years. What I learnt, you don't have to get involve with everything..reason? bila kita susah ada ke orang nak tolong kita...? true enough frens.... no one knows u when u r in deep trouble..
at present, i tried to help some ppl.. but sincerely I don't know my help is an assistance or turned out to be a disaster.. I just pray it will go well...!
Good luck..(to me actually!)
I was so pissed off with my fiance when we were first engaged. Simply because HE IS A TOTAL OPPOSITE of myself. grrrrrrr....!! I even remember when I managed to forced him to drive me back to Johore to attend my best friend's wedding, we even fought for this (of course he did not want to ok...!) turned out he drove me, his mom n nenek, but HE SLEPT in the car whole night!
I am now married to him for almost 10 years. What I learnt, you don't have to get involve with everything..reason? bila kita susah ada ke orang nak tolong kita...? true enough frens.... no one knows u when u r in deep trouble..
at present, i tried to help some ppl.. but sincerely I don't know my help is an assistance or turned out to be a disaster.. I just pray it will go well...!
Good luck..(to me actually!)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dressing Up for Work (or anything!)
Ini pun nak jadi issue ke? hahahhahahaha...
Well.... have u ever wonder why many woman (mostly if not all ok..) especially those who are working took at least 5 minutes to think about what to wear to work. It always came to our mind OMG, I don't have anything to wear today...?? The fact that 3/4 of the 8ft tall wardrobe filled with our clothing we still find ourselves 'nothing to wear for work today' remarks! P/S: encik Suami, jangan marah ye...!
Back to how I feel now, gosh, how I wish I work in a place where we need to wear unirofm to work... would be so boringgg.. kerja Polis ka? Kerja askar ka? haishhhh...not my type of working environment surely.. be thankful of what u have babe...!
Anyway, women (career woman mostly) will always have this kind of feeling, my wardrobe is not complete..I need that kind of bag, now that I got it, owh, I need a pair of shoes to match with the bag.. oh, I just going to window shop with the family, where is my Croc? oh I don't have any Croc..should I just cling on the BATA sandal..OMG the sandal is torn, how to wear it..?? slipper?? what?? to wear it with my pants and does not match, oh puh-leassee....!
We are not demanding (at least I am not that demanding)... I will bear with anything but what I must have:
1. Sandal - to wear casually to beli barang at Tesco
2. Slipper - to wear when u kemas laman
3. Court Shoes - at least Black and Dark Brown to wear for office preferably with pants and shirt
4. Stiletto - dress shoes leh tukar2 dgn courst shoes or kaki sakit pakai court shoes
5. High heel sandal - senang nak sarung dalam ofis, or with jeans
6. Crocs - for casual wear to office or tim ekena keja weekends casually
all that match with the least ok...!
So bila I kata 'nothing to wear for work' means hi babe let's do some shopping spree for me..?
hahaha...dapat ke....!?
Well.... have u ever wonder why many woman (mostly if not all ok..) especially those who are working took at least 5 minutes to think about what to wear to work. It always came to our mind OMG, I don't have anything to wear today...?? The fact that 3/4 of the 8ft tall wardrobe filled with our clothing we still find ourselves 'nothing to wear for work today' remarks! P/S: encik Suami, jangan marah ye...!
Back to how I feel now, gosh, how I wish I work in a place where we need to wear unirofm to work... would be so boringgg.. kerja Polis ka? Kerja askar ka? haishhhh...not my type of working environment surely.. be thankful of what u have babe...!
Anyway, women (career woman mostly) will always have this kind of feeling, my wardrobe is not complete..I need that kind of bag, now that I got it, owh, I need a pair of shoes to match with the bag.. oh, I just going to window shop with the family, where is my Croc? oh I don't have any Croc..should I just cling on the BATA sandal..OMG the sandal is torn, how to wear it..?? slipper?? what?? to wear it with my pants and does not match, oh puh-leassee....!
We are not demanding (at least I am not that demanding)... I will bear with anything but what I must have:
1. Sandal - to wear casually to beli barang at Tesco
2. Slipper - to wear when u kemas laman
3. Court Shoes - at least Black and Dark Brown to wear for office preferably with pants and shirt
4. Stiletto - dress shoes leh tukar2 dgn courst shoes or kaki sakit pakai court shoes
5. High heel sandal - senang nak sarung dalam ofis, or with jeans
6. Crocs - for casual wear to office or tim ekena keja weekends casually
all that match with the least ok...!
So bila I kata 'nothing to wear for work' means hi babe let's do some shopping spree for me..?
hahaha...dapat ke....!?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Mansions @ Damansara
how nice eh! bukan I beli mansion tu.. tapi kalau ada duit teringin gak la...
Well.. nowadays, I found myself flooded with so many ideas to share as I drove along LDP for work. This morning, I saw a billboard slightly before Penchala toll advertising about rows of mansion will be developed in Damansara area.. wow! mansion?
My mind immediately think and imagining the bungalows of our ministers anak toyol especially the ex-MB of Selangor.....even bugnalows are out of our hands, this is mansion!! hmm... sorry to say, I was quickly thinking about Bik Mama (PM wife) and the MONGOL model-raper (PM wife husband).. tey are living in a MANSION too..provided by the goment, using ppl money.. one question quipped: is this mansion a home to them?
for at least 10 minutes in the jam packed traffic along LDP my mind raced between home or house?mansion?flat?shophouses?setinggan?bawah jembatan?banglo?semi-d?townhouse?
I am just blessed with all that I have..with all the me n other half could offer to our family.. be it a small flat or a three storey terrace with extra land for our kids to play around, I am just thankful. Simply because our house (whatever it looks like) is always a home to us.. a place we are looking forward to go home safely to everyday, with lots of laughter (and equal amount of marah2 too!). This is our home.. at this moment, we do not need a MANSION surely!
Peace y'all!
Well.. nowadays, I found myself flooded with so many ideas to share as I drove along LDP for work. This morning, I saw a billboard slightly before Penchala toll advertising about rows of mansion will be developed in Damansara area.. wow! mansion?
My mind immediately think and imagining the bungalows of our ministers anak toyol especially the ex-MB of Selangor.....even bugnalows are out of our hands, this is mansion!! hmm... sorry to say, I was quickly thinking about Bik Mama (PM wife) and the MONGOL model-raper (PM wife husband).. tey are living in a MANSION too..provided by the goment, using ppl money.. one question quipped: is this mansion a home to them?
for at least 10 minutes in the jam packed traffic along LDP my mind raced between home or house?mansion?flat?shophouses?setinggan?bawah jembatan?banglo?semi-d?townhouse?
I am just blessed with all that I have..with all the me n other half could offer to our family.. be it a small flat or a three storey terrace with extra land for our kids to play around, I am just thankful. Simply because our house (whatever it looks like) is always a home to us.. a place we are looking forward to go home safely to everyday, with lots of laughter (and equal amount of marah2 too!). This is our home.. at this moment, we do not need a MANSION surely!
Peace y'all!
This recently and lately, OMG trademarked me in the office... as my colleagues said: OMG = Kak Farah... hahha... OMG or used to be Oh My God (better sounded OMG I guess..!) is my favourite phrase after following Maharaja Lawak on Astro Warna.. giler best!
Anyway, Maharaja Lawak is not my concern here (I will post about it laaattteeerrr...). My point is, sometimes i just awed at certain ppl attitude...OMG..! Especially bila dapat pangkat/title tinggi sikit...OMG...! Kira nampak orang lain as BALACI ajer kan...OMG...!!
True enough, me and OMG go hand in hand..! hahhahahahahha..........
Anyway, Maharaja Lawak is not my concern here (I will post about it laaattteeerrr...). My point is, sometimes i just awed at certain ppl attitude...OMG..! Especially bila dapat pangkat/title tinggi sikit...OMG...! Kira nampak orang lain as BALACI ajer kan...OMG...!!
True enough, me and OMG go hand in hand..! hahhahahahahha..........
Middle Fingered in the morning
It has been almost 4 months I drove to and fro for work place. Since I am so used to the road, I always put on my auto-driving mode in my mind.
However this morning, as I drove in the heavy traffic, this Indian culprit driving a Kembara showed his middle finger when he bypassed my car.. aik? adakah jari itu untuk aku? cam konpius kejap la...cuma when i looked at him zooming off to the other side, buat bodo je la... lantak kau la...
However this morning, as I drove in the heavy traffic, this Indian culprit driving a Kembara showed his middle finger when he bypassed my car.. aik? adakah jari itu untuk aku? cam konpius kejap la...cuma when i looked at him zooming off to the other side, buat bodo je la... lantak kau la...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hari Sukan


Angah: Mama, nanti mama hantar kitorang pegi Stadium Selayang kan
Mama: ye... ayah tak leh hantar, dia kerja
Alia: Lepas mama hantar, mama balik dulu ke...?
Mama: takla..mama tunggu la kakak dgn angah habis sukan..
Alia: oo.. okey
these are antara conversations yang I LIKE dgn my kids.. of course the 2 elders.. kalau dgn Adha I like jugak having a conversation with him.. all he knows is NAK..NAK.. bila nampak anyone eating anything/something.. tahle anak sorang tu...makan tak ingat....!
Anyway, don't you think anak2 akan rasa diambil berat bila anything regards to their skool activities their parents datang tengok... i am imagining myself when i was a least that was how i felt..giler TERKESIMA bila nampak mak or bak kat event sekolah...! selalunya bak yang datang.. mak tak datang sebab mak jaga adik2...
so last sunday, i hantar diorang stayed with them, pastu bagi sokongan moral bila they were in their action... i could see form Alia's n Faiz's eyes bila nampak i n their baby brother Adha..good luck angah n kakak..
in the end, kakak sengih2 bawak medal walaupon tempat ke tiga.. angah tak menang tapi dia tetap happy...! love u all.. - mama
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Anger Management Part Deux
how do you handle your anger? success-fully?tired-fully?ignored-fully?blast-fully?
I believe every single soul in this mortal world has their own way of handling anger.. I grew up in a low-income group of family of 8, where we struggled (especially my parents) to survive each passing days.. I do remember many occasions what we had for dinner were merely plain rice with salted margerine..have u ever tried that? WE FOUGHT AMONGST US FOR A BIGGER PORTION, TOO..
I would like to quote a saying from my ever-fav comic: Calvin & Hobbes
"Very funny everytime he(refers to his father) says I build character, he saves a couple of hudred dollars!" ~ Calvin where he asked his father to buy a blower when he was asked to remove 2 feet snow in the pathway..
Anyways, my point here is how I grew up really helped me build my character now. Don't you think hardship will create a monster? I believe so.. but, thank God my childhood hardship has created none in my family. We value our hardship and built positive characters throughout.. Proof: out of 6, 5 of us made it... the last one couldn't get through, but she is a SHE, so marrying somebody who will make it, enough i guess..
My character is PATIENT..that is the most obvious when I married to a hot-tempered other half..with 4 kids! That is what I need at most times. Just like last night, when we had a nice time watching television, one thing lead to another, my other half shouted at my second one.. I dunno it seems he despise our second child as if he is not his! I HAVE BEEN TOO PATIENT! And I don't know how long I could grab the patience.. God helps me
Suddenly it came to a point where I blurted: "kalau nak marah anak, marah aje la, jangan la maki!"
tu dah kira hilang sabar sangat la tu... masih lagi menjaga hati suami...
I believe every single soul in this mortal world has their own way of handling anger.. I grew up in a low-income group of family of 8, where we struggled (especially my parents) to survive each passing days.. I do remember many occasions what we had for dinner were merely plain rice with salted margerine..have u ever tried that? WE FOUGHT AMONGST US FOR A BIGGER PORTION, TOO..
I would like to quote a saying from my ever-fav comic: Calvin & Hobbes
"Very funny everytime he(refers to his father) says I build character, he saves a couple of hudred dollars!" ~ Calvin where he asked his father to buy a blower when he was asked to remove 2 feet snow in the pathway..
Anyways, my point here is how I grew up really helped me build my character now. Don't you think hardship will create a monster? I believe so.. but, thank God my childhood hardship has created none in my family. We value our hardship and built positive characters throughout.. Proof: out of 6, 5 of us made it... the last one couldn't get through, but she is a SHE, so marrying somebody who will make it, enough i guess..
My character is PATIENT..that is the most obvious when I married to a hot-tempered other half..with 4 kids! That is what I need at most times. Just like last night, when we had a nice time watching television, one thing lead to another, my other half shouted at my second one.. I dunno it seems he despise our second child as if he is not his! I HAVE BEEN TOO PATIENT! And I don't know how long I could grab the patience.. God helps me
Suddenly it came to a point where I blurted: "kalau nak marah anak, marah aje la, jangan la maki!"
tu dah kira hilang sabar sangat la tu... masih lagi menjaga hati suami...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Anger Management
This post is again about myself being a mother... siapa kata senang nak jadi IBU, ISTERI and at the same time CAREER WOMAN... isteri / ibu bekerja ni ada 3 tugas yang dipikul... tu tak termasuk kalau ada part time job..4 tugas dalam satu2 masa... almost every woman has been there done that!
tapi yang paling susah is being a mother to kids whose father is HOT-TEMPERED!! not everyone 'been there done that' in this case.. OMG...I am one for god sake.. letih tau... letih dengar JERKAHAN yang melebih2... seriusly..! I pity my kids... mmg la sayang anak tangan-tangankan..tapi jangan laa lebih2 menjerkah tu... Oh Encik Suami, tolong la faham, MOST OF THE TIMES, anak tu bukan MENANGIS sebab sakit jatuh akibat bergurau senda, tapi TERKEJUT ayah marah AT HIGH PITCH! Oh Encik Suami, tolongla faham, apa akibatnya kalau anak2 kena marah AT HIGH PITCH... at one time, their respect will be gone...
So, bila jadi ibu, I cried inside my heart bila anak2 yang 9 bulan dalam kandungan, dilahirkan sesempurna insan tapi dimarahi oleh ayah pemberi benih dengan perkataan2 yang tidak sepatutnya keluar dari mulut seorang ayah....
myself trying to be a good wife, a fair mother, what i did.. diam, cried inside...masuk tido dengan harapan anak2 tidak akan terus merus mengingati ayah as someone yang baran..i pray hard for that..!
tapi yang paling susah is being a mother to kids whose father is HOT-TEMPERED!! not everyone 'been there done that' in this case.. OMG...I am one for god sake.. letih tau... letih dengar JERKAHAN yang melebih2... seriusly..! I pity my kids... mmg la sayang anak tangan-tangankan..tapi jangan laa lebih2 menjerkah tu... Oh Encik Suami, tolong la faham, MOST OF THE TIMES, anak tu bukan MENANGIS sebab sakit jatuh akibat bergurau senda, tapi TERKEJUT ayah marah AT HIGH PITCH! Oh Encik Suami, tolongla faham, apa akibatnya kalau anak2 kena marah AT HIGH PITCH... at one time, their respect will be gone...
So, bila jadi ibu, I cried inside my heart bila anak2 yang 9 bulan dalam kandungan, dilahirkan sesempurna insan tapi dimarahi oleh ayah pemberi benih dengan perkataan2 yang tidak sepatutnya keluar dari mulut seorang ayah....
myself trying to be a good wife, a fair mother, what i did.. diam, cried inside...masuk tido dengan harapan anak2 tidak akan terus merus mengingati ayah as someone yang baran..i pray hard for that..!
Cake on Demand
Haishhhh..kalau dah jadi ibu ni, banyak sangat demand dari anak2 ni kan... tapi kalau ikut si Alia, demand nya banyak sungguh....tapi reasonable demand la i should call it..
kadang2 terpikir2 apa laa conversation our kids ni at school..terkujat pun ada bila dia balik, nak itu semalam where dia berlari2 tgk my car was already parked outside and saw me in the kitchen..
first sekali dia happy bawak balik her mid year exam results..
Kakak: mama, kakak dapat seratus peratus Pemahaman dengan Ejaan..tapi 99 je penulisan
Mama: ye ke..mana
Kakak: ni hah..kakak salah eja je NYANYI tu cikgu tambahkan N...apa laa kakak ni kan... cikgu suruh kawan2 tepuk tangan untuk sapa2 yang dapat seratus tadi...
Mama: ramai tak yang dapat seratus?
Kakak: adalaa dalam SETENGAH murid....
Mama&Ayah senyum je la...
cemana hek setengah murid tu..?
oh, by the way.. Angah langsung tak hirau nak tunjuk kertas exam dia.. bila mama tanya baru nak keluarkan dari beg...patutle takmau tunjuk 60% dgn 75% je... kakak boleh comment lagi, apa laa angah ni kan mama, TIN mana ada SOUND...ULAR ni kan ada SOUND... semua salah la angah ni....
Pastu dia leh demand plak nak kek pisang.. weekend aritu mmg dah buat kek pisang tu.. tapi disebabkan mama dah tapaukan untuk TokCit and Omah kat johor thru Ucu... kakak tak puas makan agaknya...
Kakak: mama kena jugak buat kek pisang malam ni
Mama: nape
Kakak: kakak dah janji dengan ifah
Mama: kakak janji apa dengan Ifah?
Kakak: kakak janji nak bawak kek pisang esok pegi sekolah.. kakak dah kata dengan Ifah mama buat kek MAVELES!
Mama: mak oi.....(tertelan air liur mama...dalam hati je laa..)
tak sampai hati untuk tidak buat kan walaupun penat kan..walaupun berpuasa kan... the way she asked for it tu yang buat tak sampai hati untuk tidak mengukus kek itu... anak oh anak.....!
kadang2 terpikir2 apa laa conversation our kids ni at school..terkujat pun ada bila dia balik, nak itu semalam where dia berlari2 tgk my car was already parked outside and saw me in the kitchen..
first sekali dia happy bawak balik her mid year exam results..
Kakak: mama, kakak dapat seratus peratus Pemahaman dengan Ejaan..tapi 99 je penulisan
Mama: ye ke..mana
Kakak: ni hah..kakak salah eja je NYANYI tu cikgu tambahkan N...apa laa kakak ni kan... cikgu suruh kawan2 tepuk tangan untuk sapa2 yang dapat seratus tadi...
Mama: ramai tak yang dapat seratus?
Kakak: adalaa dalam SETENGAH murid....
Mama&Ayah senyum je la...
cemana hek setengah murid tu..?
oh, by the way.. Angah langsung tak hirau nak tunjuk kertas exam dia.. bila mama tanya baru nak keluarkan dari beg...patutle takmau tunjuk 60% dgn 75% je... kakak boleh comment lagi, apa laa angah ni kan mama, TIN mana ada SOUND...ULAR ni kan ada SOUND... semua salah la angah ni....
Pastu dia leh demand plak nak kek pisang.. weekend aritu mmg dah buat kek pisang tu.. tapi disebabkan mama dah tapaukan untuk TokCit and Omah kat johor thru Ucu... kakak tak puas makan agaknya...
Kakak: mama kena jugak buat kek pisang malam ni
Mama: nape
Kakak: kakak dah janji dengan ifah
Mama: kakak janji apa dengan Ifah?
Kakak: kakak janji nak bawak kek pisang esok pegi sekolah.. kakak dah kata dengan Ifah mama buat kek MAVELES!
Mama: mak oi.....(tertelan air liur mama...dalam hati je laa..)
tak sampai hati untuk tidak buat kan walaupun penat kan..walaupun berpuasa kan... the way she asked for it tu yang buat tak sampai hati untuk tidak mengukus kek itu... anak oh anak.....!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Bibir akak tak tegak!
There was one night when we all slept in fron tof television..reason, kakak n angah tak berani nak tido dalam bilik Uwan was not around, adha takder kawan...we we slept whilst the tv was on...mama n ayah still belum tido la kan...
Kakak was exhausted because she played throughout the day cuti sekolah kannnn....! lagi plak that Monday mama and ayah tak keja.. she had all the day to play.. takyah nak jaga adik... but what i am pointing out here is she dozed off even before others did... and she slept so soundly that Adha was tempted to whack her...he did! well, he whacked kakak on her face with all his might I guess till kakak was crying in her sleep! very nottie tau Adha...! after ayah marah and kakak stopped crying i thought that story ends there..till the very next morning..
Kakak: Mama... malam tadi Adha pukul kakak ke mama....
Mama (eyes still unopened....): hmmm... kakak tak sedar ke...?
Kakak: Kakak macam rasa Adha pukul kakak malam tadi..
Mama: ye la... Adha pukul kakak sampai kakak nangis... kakak tak ingat ke...?
Kakak: ishhh.... nakal tau Adha ni.... (sambil pegang mulut...) tengok ni... BIBIR KAKAK DAH TAK TEGAK dah ni....!
Ayah & Mama laughed out!!!
Mama: Bukan tak tegak la kakak, BENGKAK!!!
Pity my only girl... hihihi (tapi mak oi vocab tu....!! tah hapa-hapa tah kakak ni....)
Kakak was exhausted because she played throughout the day cuti sekolah kannnn....! lagi plak that Monday mama and ayah tak keja.. she had all the day to play.. takyah nak jaga adik... but what i am pointing out here is she dozed off even before others did... and she slept so soundly that Adha was tempted to whack her...he did! well, he whacked kakak on her face with all his might I guess till kakak was crying in her sleep! very nottie tau Adha...! after ayah marah and kakak stopped crying i thought that story ends there..till the very next morning..
Kakak: Mama... malam tadi Adha pukul kakak ke mama....
Mama (eyes still unopened....): hmmm... kakak tak sedar ke...?
Kakak: Kakak macam rasa Adha pukul kakak malam tadi..
Mama: ye la... Adha pukul kakak sampai kakak nangis... kakak tak ingat ke...?
Kakak: ishhh.... nakal tau Adha ni.... (sambil pegang mulut...) tengok ni... BIBIR KAKAK DAH TAK TEGAK dah ni....!
Ayah & Mama laughed out!!!
Mama: Bukan tak tegak la kakak, BENGKAK!!!
Pity my only girl... hihihi (tapi mak oi vocab tu....!! tah hapa-hapa tah kakak ni....)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Window Shop
Tau tak.. bila dah jadi ibu ni banyak yang kena foregone...kena sacrifice... memang betul pun.. for me I have to forego my Mall Theraphy habit.. dulu kalau tension je, mesti rasa nak keluar pi beli something.. rasa released kalau dah beli anything for anyone especially myself. Tapi jadi lebih tension kalau beli pakai kad kredit, ujung bulan bil tak hengat la kan..
Bila dah jadi ibu dah isteri kepada suami yang kulukut kalah MENTERI KEWANGAN ni..mak aii..memang kena let go the habit although dalam hati memberontak2 nak pi buat Mall Theraphy..
So bila berkesempatan, dapat shop sorang2 atau dgn baby kecik je..I will grab whatever I feel necessary.. macam few days ago where I went to Tesco to kill time before my scheduled interview.. i grabbed plastic dinnerware set thinking my toddler Adha nak makan minum, no proper plate/bowl/cup/fork/spoon for him.. i took the colourful set and use them straight away for Adha
Only last night Alia asked me when she busy arranging the set by colour..
Alia: Mama, bila mama beli pinggan mangkuk plastik ni?
Mama: aritu..
Alia: Mama beli kat ofis mama ke?
Mama: tak la.. mama beli kat Tesco
Alia: tak nampak pun mama ambik masa kita pergi dengan ayah aritu...
paused a second
Alia: ooo.....mama beli sorok2 ehhh....?
Mama: chiss....(dalam hati laa...)
Bila dah jadi ibu dah isteri kepada suami yang kulukut kalah MENTERI KEWANGAN ni..mak aii..memang kena let go the habit although dalam hati memberontak2 nak pi buat Mall Theraphy..
So bila berkesempatan, dapat shop sorang2 atau dgn baby kecik je..I will grab whatever I feel necessary.. macam few days ago where I went to Tesco to kill time before my scheduled interview.. i grabbed plastic dinnerware set thinking my toddler Adha nak makan minum, no proper plate/bowl/cup/fork/spoon for him.. i took the colourful set and use them straight away for Adha
Only last night Alia asked me when she busy arranging the set by colour..
Alia: Mama, bila mama beli pinggan mangkuk plastik ni?
Mama: aritu..
Alia: Mama beli kat ofis mama ke?
Mama: tak la.. mama beli kat Tesco
Alia: tak nampak pun mama ambik masa kita pergi dengan ayah aritu...
paused a second
Alia: ooo.....mama beli sorok2 ehhh....?
Mama: chiss....(dalam hati laa...)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Cuti Sekolah is coming
Mama: Kakak, ujian lukisan hari nike esok.. (sambil mama bersiap nak pegi keja...)
Alia: hari ni la mama..
Mama: ye ke hari ni, bukan esok ke?
Alia: iye laaaa...hari ni..nanti kakak bawak kapas mama tu eh?
Mama: pegi kejutkan angah...dia lum buat lagi lukisan dia... mama ingat lukisan esok..
Alia: ishh... mama ni...kan best kalau mama tak lahirkan anak2 yang lain..
Mama: nape?
Alia: kan best kalau kakak sorang je...
Mama: mak oi... (dalam hati je laa...)
Mama: pi kejutkan angah, boleh mama ajar dia lukisan sambil mama breakfast nanti....
Alia: ya laa....
Sambil berdiri n menikmati light breakfast..
Mama: angah, nanti angah nak buat soalan yang mana..
Angah: mana-mana pun boleh la mama..(sambil gosok2 mata..)
Mama: ok, angah buat soalan yang nombor 2 ni..senang sikit..macam yang mama ajar kakak aritu.. tapi angah tak payah pakai watercolour cam kakak.. angah pakai je pensel warna..
Angah: ok..jap eh, angah amik pensel warna..dgn buku komunikasi..
Mama: cepat sikit mama nak pi keja...
Mama: ok..angah buat laa huruf2 ni A sampai Z... pastu angah warnakan cantik2...ikut line kat luar tu..mintak tolong kakak ajar cemana nak kaler...
Angah: takper angah pandai.. angah nanti kaler warna-warni ye mama..
Zoomm.. mama off to work 10 minutes later lepas hantar Emir pi umah Opah..
Later that day, Mama balik umah..
Mama: angah buat tak lukisan tadi..
Angah: mama ajar...Angah dapat A+ mama..
Mama: ye ke? untuk lukisan..?
Angah: ha'ah..
Alia: eleh... A+ je..kakak dapat 88 per 100 lagi..
Mama: 88 tu A ke kak?
Alia: entah.. kakak pun tak tau..
Mama: sabo je laaa si kepochi ni....(dalam hati je laaa...)
Alia: hari ni la mama..
Mama: ye ke hari ni, bukan esok ke?
Alia: iye laaaa...hari ni..nanti kakak bawak kapas mama tu eh?
Mama: pegi kejutkan angah...dia lum buat lagi lukisan dia... mama ingat lukisan esok..
Alia: ishh... mama ni...kan best kalau mama tak lahirkan anak2 yang lain..
Mama: nape?
Alia: kan best kalau kakak sorang je...
Mama: mak oi... (dalam hati je laa...)
Mama: pi kejutkan angah, boleh mama ajar dia lukisan sambil mama breakfast nanti....
Alia: ya laa....
Sambil berdiri n menikmati light breakfast..
Mama: angah, nanti angah nak buat soalan yang mana..
Angah: mana-mana pun boleh la mama..(sambil gosok2 mata..)
Mama: ok, angah buat soalan yang nombor 2 ni..senang sikit..macam yang mama ajar kakak aritu.. tapi angah tak payah pakai watercolour cam kakak.. angah pakai je pensel warna..
Angah: ok..jap eh, angah amik pensel warna..dgn buku komunikasi..
Mama: cepat sikit mama nak pi keja...
Mama: ok..angah buat laa huruf2 ni A sampai Z... pastu angah warnakan cantik2...ikut line kat luar tu..mintak tolong kakak ajar cemana nak kaler...
Angah: takper angah pandai.. angah nanti kaler warna-warni ye mama..
Zoomm.. mama off to work 10 minutes later lepas hantar Emir pi umah Opah..
Later that day, Mama balik umah..
Mama: angah buat tak lukisan tadi..
Angah: mama ajar...Angah dapat A+ mama..
Mama: ye ke? untuk lukisan..?
Angah: ha'ah..
Alia: eleh... A+ je..kakak dapat 88 per 100 lagi..
Mama: 88 tu A ke kak?
Alia: entah.. kakak pun tak tau..
Mama: sabo je laaa si kepochi ni....(dalam hati je laaa...)
Managing Difficult People
For me, as a working mother-wife, if I could handle my house, I can be a good manager. This is purely my point of view, as I do not take anybody's pov for this. Why do I say that? because i manage many DIFFICULT people in the house...!
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