Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hati Yang Tercalar

weh sapa yang calar hati mu itu FZZ?
takder la sesapa
tapi I feel down at times
oh, bukan dgn inchik other half

dia dah tak banyak buat kerenah these days
plus we may have been
too complimenting each other
plu smala snak gaduh kot
kalau ada terasa sikit
leh overcome je dgn gelak2 kecil
or even gurau2 manja gitu
hence, it is not an issue

cuma when i am alone
(bila nya alone, definitely jarang2 kan alone ni)

i do think of things
that cud have hurt me
or even things i hurt ppl with
of course my words
their words

if i hurt you i am sorry
if you hurt me (deeply)
you are forgiven
but not all time forgotten..


  1. Napekah kak? R u ok? Meh sembang kt gtalk ..

  2. aku sampai skang tak reti berg-talk ni
    sangat laa 3 years behind technology!
