Monday, April 9, 2012

Perihal Menukar Kerja

I just got a call from some interview session for a full managerial post.. but, myhunch said, no la, u nve ginna get this job..or if u ever got this, u nvr got the pay u demanded for...
le...naper la pulak aku rasa cam tak best ni....
kat sini skang best la...
kalau dapat tpt lain, sama best ke dgn camni..
kat sini jem je tak hengat....tension mak!
time for istikharah ke....


  1. true kak. last yr, i got an offer frm a company (gatal g interbiu masa tu), with salary more than 3k frm here. but, because i am so happy here, i decided to decline it. rasanye that's decision is one of my best decision.. :)

  2. huish sar 3k diffrence tu... tapi tu le...kadang2 bukan pasal duit kan... it is the environment..aku pun let go interbiu tu... aku kata ada urgent meeting...hopefully takle depa put as a no show kan...

  3. hahahha..kau call depa x kak?? sebab sesetengah kampeni mmg akan letak no show tu ..

  4. aku email n sms too...takut gak for future opportunity...
